first day

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"Here we go" you said to yourself as you hoped off the air  ship you were now at beacon academy. "Lets hope there are going to be some good fighters on my team" you thought to yourself.
"Hi is this your first year to" a voice said you turn around to see a girl with black hair with red tips standing with another girl with long blond hair
"yes it is my first year" you say to them
"ok my name is Ruby" the girl with black and red hair said holding out her hand
"My name is (Y/N)" you said shaking her hand
"and this is my sister Yang" Ruby said gestering to the girl with the blond hair.

Yang point of veiw

"He is cute looking" you thought to yourself.

(Y/N) point of veiw

"hi" was all Yang said as she held out her hand wich you shook after that they started to leave.
"Wait can I stick with you guys I think haveing allies will be good" you asked
"why not" Yang said turning around. Ruby acsedently bumped into a white haired girl that everyone new as weiss schnee her parents own a major dust company when they bumped weiss droped a vile of dust causing a explosion Ruby and weiss got into a fight. Once they calmed down and the fight ended the three of you walked through the halls of Beacon you made small talk like were you came from what you are going to do after graduating that sort of stuff. After a while you went to the place were the headmaster professor Ozpjn was going to make a speach there were lots of people there you managed to get a seat next to your new friends Yang and Ruby thru out the speach Ruby cept pulling cookies out of her poket and eating them
"HOW CAN SO MANY COOKIES FIT IN ONE POKET!!!" You cept thinking to yourself. When the headmaster finshed his spech all the first year students went to becon cliff and got launched to random spots in the forest you were supposed to get to a surten spot grab a surten item and then back to the cliff when you got back you would be put in a team as soon as you landed you could here grimm wondering around the forest. As you made your way through the forest you managed to avoid fighting grimm. After a bit you found Yang with a girl she had black hair and a bow on her head
"hey Yang" you said as you went over to them
"hey (Y/N)" she said as she came and gave you a hug this sudden action suprised you couldnt help but blush

Yang point of veiw

"why must he be so cute I hope I am in his team" you thought to yourself

(Y/N) point of veiw

"Umm am I interupting something" the black haired girl asked we separated from each over I walked over to the other girl.
"My name is (Y/N)" you said holding out your hand
"I am Blake" she said as she shook your hand. It wasnt long until ou came across a nother person a male he had wolf ears
"hello" you said he looked at you
"hi" he said
"I am (Y/N)" you said
"I am Alan" the wolf faunus said
"my name is Blake" Blake said
"and I'm Yang" Yang said after a while of following a trail the four of you got to know each over better eventually the four of you made it to the spot you were soposed to be there were chess peices along with two over prople a girl and a boy "hi Yang said
"hi" the girl said
"I am Scar and this is Black" the male said you each grabed one of the chess peices and headed back to the cliff

Time skip to later

Professor ozpin was sitting there drinking coffee there were alredy some people there once everone was there ozpin got up and asined the teames "Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are going to be on team RWBY ruby is going to be to be leader" ozpin said as the four of them left "Scar, (Y/N), Alan, and Black" are going to be on team (T/N) Scar is going to be team leader" ozpin said the four of you left. when you got back you foud the dorm that you would be staying in once inside you got to know each other Scar and Black weren't actuly there real names Scar was always called that because of the giant scar across his face he never said his real name or what caused the scar though he wasnt someone that likes sharing personal information Scar's semblance was that he can make people see things that arnt actually there he said that he once got away from a pack of biowolves by makeing them see a giant wall in between him and the biowolves it tricked every single one of them. black's real name was abby she looked intimidating but she was actuly a really nice person she was called balck because she only ever wore black cloths and she had black hair as well Blacks semblance was invisibility. Alan was a wolf fanus his semblance was that he could create energy beames and shoot them out his hands.  after talking you desided it was time for bed you layed down on the botem bunk of one of the beds
"night (Y/N)" Black said as you dozzed off.

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