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When you and your team got ready you went to ozpins ofice everyone else was already there. "morning teams I am sory if I woke you but I have a mision for you" ozpin said "we suspect that a mad scintest that got exiled from atlas has started a lab where he dose human experiments in a forest (Y/N) I think you know the scintest I am talking about" he said
"psyhco" you said clenching your fists
"we belive he has people there that he is experementing on" Ozpin said "o and take that Neko boy with you" he said
"ok then" Ren one of pyrrha's said as the sixteen of you left it was really squshy in the elavator. you went and found Neko then the seventeen of you hoped onto the air ship and took off it landed in a farmiliar clearing it struck you why it was farmiliar when you saw the rough shelter still standing. after a while of wondering you found a small shead it was made of rusty metal sheets when you went in it was exteamely high tech
"what is this palce" Nora one of Pyrrha's team mates said as she walked in. when all of you were in there the floor started slowly slipping downwards
"what is happening" Neko asked when it stoped a large door opened and you were met by a giant robot.
"intuder identify yourself" the robot said through a speaker that was were a mouth would be
"I am your worst nightmare" you yelled as you created the tail

Yang point of veiw

"my crush has a tail now" you thought to yourself

(Y/N) pint of veiw

"what is that" Nora yelled pointig to the tail the tenderals shot out Neko's lower back

Blake pint of veiw

"My boy friend has tentacles now" you thought to your self

(Y/N) point of veiw

you attacked it "a little help guys" you yelled as you blocked its robotic fist with your blade and another one with your tail while Neko was slashing with his clawed gloves and jabing with his tenderals then the others joined in on the fight with long ranged attacks Nora axedentily sent you flying with a genade at one point. it tryed hitting you again you rapped your tail around its arm and ripped it off exposeing a heap of sparking wieres Neko jurked at its head with all eaight tenderals as well as his hands you jumped up and smashed down with your tail smashing its head into its body it fell to the ground.
"well now everyone knows" you said looking to the large group "before anyone asks the person that we are tracking down is who did this to us" you said
"that was not what I was going to ask" Jaurn said as you started walking down a hallway Velvet stood to one side of you while Neko stood on the other side of you everyone else stayed as far away as they could "we are not going to hurt you" you said they still cept there distance. after a bit you came across a large room with multiple paths
"maby we should split up" Coco sugested
"you just dont want to be around us" you said anoyed "very well then" you sad as you went down a coridor with Velvet and Neko
"wait for us" Ruby said you turned around to see team rwby and Black
"good to see not eveyone is afraid" you said
"was this what you two were whisperig about that time" Blake asked
"yes" Neko said
"ok" Blake said kissing Neko on the cheak
"so you two are going out then" you asked
"yes" Neko said Blake just punched you in the gut
"ooof I prably deserve that I am sorry" you said falling to the ground
"you better be sorry" Blake said she was going to hit you again but Neko stoped her. you moved on ahead was a lab
"Bikaku and rinkaku how nice of you to join us" Psyhco's voice came through a speaker "do not worry we have all ready captuered your asosiats" his voice said as a couple robots sorounded you you had a uncontrollable rage
"(Y/N) why have your eyes changed color" Velvet asked
"your eyes have gone red and black" Ruby said your tail came out its self you smashed through the robots and through the wall you cept smashing through walls and seeing a quick glimps of different things before smashing through the next wall until you came to a large room it was diferent than the other because this room only had one path not including the one you made. there was people and robots everywhere you destroyed all the robots and smashed through a diferent wall until you came across a lab like the one you were being held in but there was three cells each had a diferent fanus inside it. you were about to try and smash the glass but a thick sheet of meatle covered all of them.
"Bikaku this is quite a mess you have made you didnt seriously think that I wouldent upgrade security after what happened before did you" Psyhco's voice said as the room filled with a strange mist the last thing you hered before blacking out was Psyhco's evil and slightly disturbing laughter.

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