the dance

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when at the dance you stood with Velvet by the punch bowl untill a slow song came on and people started danceing.
"can I have this dance" you asked Velvet as you held your hand out to her she took your hand and you danced slowly and sayed with the music. you saw Alan ask Weiss to dance and get regected Alan left the room a tiery mess "poor guy" you murmed under your breath.
"(Y/N) can I ask you something" Velvet said
"you can ask me anything" you said
"you dont mind that I am a fanus do you" she asked
"no I dont mind if anything it makes you cuter" you said the last bit made her blush you kissed her softly on the forehead to calm her when the song finished you desided to go to the cliffs to look at the veiw you sat there for a while her head resting on your shoulder.
"we should probably get back before people get suspicious" Velvet said getting up
"if that is what you want" you said when you got back you stood by the punch bowl again untill it got dark you walked Velvet back to her room
"thank you for the lovely evening" she said closeing the door. when you were almost at your room you got a message

Velvet: do you want to comeover to my dorm for the night

(Y/N): on my way

when you got there you knoked on the door it opened almost staigt away by Velvet.
"hi (Y/N)" she said pulling you in "this is were you will be sleeping since Coco is recvering" she said pointing to the empty bed then you figured out what she ment in the mesage a sleep over you comfortibly layed there and fell asleep you had a nother one of the dreams where your sister was in it this time it wasnt a forest but instead a snowy mountain. when you woke up you felt quite good Velvet was still asleep she climbed into your bed with you she could tell you why when she got up you didnt want to move incase she woke up she looked so peacefull when she was sleeping. the peace was interupted by the door being knoked on you got up luckly not wakeing her when you opened the door you were met by Coco in a weelchair and a slightly shocked expesion when she saw you
"umm hi" you said she weled in running over your foot she tried to make it look like a axcedent but failed.
"(Y/N)" Velvet mumbled as she got up when she saw Coco her cheakes turned bright red
"did you have fun last night" Coco asked as she weeled around the room
"bye" you said quietly as you walked out the room. when you left you could here Velvet starting to cry
"why must you be like this Coco" Velvet yelled you decided to wait outside for her after a while a very upset Velvet came out
"Velvet" you said grabbing her arm before she could storm off she just sighed
"(Y/N) please let me go" she said you did as she said and she left after she left your sight you headed back to your dorm you went in and layed on your bed
"where were you" Scar asked
"are you ok" Alan asked you just ignored there questions when your scroll went off you ignored it
"(Y/N) its your girlfriend" Black said you gabbed it and looked at the messages.

Velvet: hi sorry about storming off

Velvet: can you please come to me I am at the cliffs

(Y/N): ok I will come wait there

you walked out the room and went to the cliffs when you got there you couldent see her untill she slamed you into a wall and smashed her lips on yours
"guess what" she asked as she parted from you
"what" you asked
"I love you" she said kissing you again
"I love you to" you said you stayed on that cliff togeather for what felt like a hour "we should probably get to class" you said
"I dont care if I get in trouble as long as you are here with me" she said
"you are my one and only Velvet always know that" you said and you stayed there for half an hour more
"ok now we should probably get going" she said
"fine" you said as the two of you left and went to the class you were supose to be at.
"Velvet (Y/N) you are late" miss goodwitch said "so you two can come up and fight someone" she said "now who would like to fight these two" miss goodwitch asked. two hands went up one belonged to your enemy Cardin the other was a girl she had amber eyes and black hair

 two hands went up one belonged to your enemy Cardin the other was a girl she had amber eyes and black hair

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"ok mr winchester miss fall come on up" miss goodwitch said.

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