a night to remember

751 10 16

She smiled and left the room
"so you going out with Velvet" a voice said as Black randomly appeared
"you have to stop doing that Black you are going to give someone a heart attack you stalker" you yelled at her
"owch words hurt (Y/N)" she said prettending to be hurt
"sorry" you said sarcastically she came up to you and pat you on the back.
"We have more classes so after that come to the dorm I will do your hair nicely" she said
"what is wrong with my hair" you asked she gave you a quick smile before dissappearing. You went through the day and had a couple of classes that nothing intresting happened in unless you count Cardin glaring at you interesting once it was time to get ready for your date you went to the dorm to grab some things you forgot about Black. She pulled you over and sat you down on a chair before she started fiddling with your (H/C) hair
"relax I know what I am doing" she said Scar and Alan looked at you confused by why Black was doing your hair after a while she finished "done now you are ready to go" she said. You left the room to find Velvet waiting out side in a beutiful dress
"you look beautifull tonight" you said to her
"thanks I like what you have done with your hair" she said. After leaving becon you found a nice restaurant to have your dinner at you orded (F/F) Vevet orded the same durin the dinner you talked she was a blushing mess most of the time. After you two just walking around when you got attacked by a biowolf you quickly grabbed your sword and cut its head off
"you brought your swords to a date" Velvet said
"just incase something like this were to happen" you said eventuly you made it to a lake. "Come you said running towards the lake grabbing her hand
"wait I am not in apropreat clothes for swimming" she said
"do you trust me" you asked she stared into your (E/C) eyes and nodded. You pulled her onto the lake but instead of sinking into the water you used your semblance to alow you two to walk on the water
"wow" she said in awe
"my semblance is that I can control water" you said as you two started to dance on the water's surface under the light of the full moon. after a while she stared back into your (E/C) eyes as she leaned in closer to you until your lips met she quickly separated from you and looked away her cheaks brlght red
"s-sorry" she stuttered
"what for" you said before leaning in for another kiss. After that you went back to becon "bye" you said
"bye" she said as you left for your dorms when you got there the rest of your team was just sitting around Black was the first to speak.
"did you have a romantic night" she said with a wink Alan and Scar looked at you two funny
"be quite" you said to her
"romantic night" Scar said confused
"(Y/N) here went on a date" she said you just layed on your bed and fell asleep. In the morning Black was no were to be seen Alan was awake but Scar was still sleepin you got up to find that two letters had been sliped under the door both adressed to you

Dear (Y/N)

Thank you for the lovely night I wish we can
have more like it in the future

Love Velvet

the first one said you couldent help but smile at what Velvet had written you read the second one

Dear (Y/N)

I would just lie to imform you that if u hurt Velvet in any way I will MURDER
YOU with a SPORK do you understand

From Velvets friend Coco

that one shook you to the core. you left the doorm and was heading to the cafeteria to find Cardin bullying Velvet "Cardin get away from her" you yelled clenching your fists
"what are you going to do" he said
"THIS!" you yelled as blades made of water appeared around you and shot towards Cardin he doged all but one that stuck him pushig him to the ground you walked over to him and punched him in the face he got up and wipped some blood that was comeing out his nose away befor leaving "you ok Velvet" you asked walking up to her
"yea I am ok thanks" she said before hugging you
"lets go dont worry I will try my hardest to always protect you" you said as you walked to the cafeteria with your arm around her neck when you got there no one else was there.

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