The Exhaustion

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Thunder God Tribe POV

"Man I kinda feel bad for Laxus since his breakup with Lucy," said Evergreen.

"Yeah, but he is so mad cause he said she cheated on him with her ex Orga," said Bislow.

"Wait isn't he from another agency?" asked Freed.

"Yeah he is from Sabertooth agency," said Bislow.

"It has an effect on our personal life cause every time after work or an assignment; he's all like you guys wanna hang out," said Evergreen.

"Yeah and I be tired after all that work here at the agency," said Bislow.

"I have the worst idea ever, but I think we should go talk to Lucy and try to sort this all out," said Freed.

"Wouldn't it be the wrong cause that's Laxus ex?" asked Bislow.

"It would, but as much as I love Laxus I need a break from him. His break up with Lucy is interrupting my live life with Mirajane," said Freed.

"Same with Elfman. He keeps thinking that I'm trying to avoid him," said Evergreen.

"So does Lisanna and she's getting pretty annoyed by it," said Bislow.

"Well let's head to the nurse's room," said Evergreen as the three got up to go to Lucy's office.

Narrator POV

The three-headed to Lucy's office which was upstairs on the second floor. The three decided to take the elevator just to cool off. After thirty seconds of being on the elevator, they speedily walked to Lucy's office. When they made it to the front door; Freed banged on the door pretty hard. Nobody didn't answer, so Freed kept rapidly banging on the door until it opened. Freed and the other two shivered once they saw a red hot Lucy.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you people?" she asked gritting her teeth and her skin was red hot. It took the three a few minutes to come back to reality. Lucy was about to slam the door until Bislow stopped her from doing it. "Look we need to talk to you, "Bislow said as Lucy opened the door to her office. The three agents enter her office and were waiting on her to close the door.

"Okay now, what is the problem?"Lucy asked looking at the three of them. "The problem is you, you Slut." said Evergreen walking towards Lucy and pointing at her chest emphasizing the word slut. "Any other fake words you wanna call me before we can have a real conversation?" asked Lucy just starring neutrality at the three. "Yes, Whore." said Bislow. "Thot." said Freed glaring lasers into Lucy's head. "Okay, So are you guys like done?" asked Lucy.
"Now we are," said Freed. Lucy had walked around Evergreen and had gone to her desk to sit down.

"So by all the names you guys just called me, I'm assuming Laxus told you how and why we broke up," Lucy said looking at the three. "Yes. How could you do this to him?" asked Evergreen walking towards Lucy right in front of her. "Evergreen before I explain I want you out of my face cause I need personal space."Lucy said as Evergreen backed up kinda feeling embarrassed.

"So why did you do it?" asked Bislow. "Okay if he told you guys, please let it be at a specific event in the timeline that lead to our break up," Lucy said as Bislow sweatdrops. "Okay why did you sleep with your ex Orga?" asked Freed still glaring at Lucy. "I didn't sleep with him. Well, that was way before me and Laxus started dating."Lucy said as Bislow looked confused.

"I don't get it," he said. "Laxus told us that you were in bed with him and you were making out," said Freed. "Well since he's too mad or depressed to even believe anything it was basically a setup," Lucy said.
"What?" asked Evergreen. "Why would you set up you and Orga doing it or making out?" asked Bislow. "Well because, "Lucy was saying until Freed cut her off saying "Cause he's getting bored for you?".

"First off, no," Lucy said blushing and the three had noticed her face turned pink (blushing). "Look here your probably gonna think I'm impulsive and stupid for doing this," Lucy said sighing and removing her reading glasses. "We already do think you are stupid and whatever that other word was," said Bixslow crossing his arms. "Okay, I only did it because of Laxus toogoodforme," Lucy said the last part to where the three couldn't understand.

"What was that again, and please say it slower?" commanded Freed. "Laxus is too good of a guy for me, "Lucy said clearly as Freed and the rest looked in shock.

"WHAT???" they all yelled.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

Merry Christmas

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