Meet My Parents

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Laxus POV

Lucy is going to go visit her parents in Bosco which is pretty far from Fiore. Right now she is packing her stuff at my house while I'm sitting on the bed talking to her. "So when are you gonna be back?"I asked looking at her as she put some clothes in the suitcase. "It will only be two days Sparky," she said as I sighed.

"On your weekly day off, "I asked. 

"Laxus you know good and well that I only get a weekly break every three months," she said as I snickered. For a girl only visiting her parents for two days you sure are putting a lot of clothes in that bag. "Okay I am almost done with packing my clothes," she said putting some lacy g-strings and some similar clothing in the bag. "What are those for?"I asked getting up and going towards her bag to look at the clothing.

"Oh I go to a lot of places with my mom and I wear tight stuff and I don't need people to see what kind of underwear I am wearing," she said as I rolled my eyes. "Lucy there gonna know especially if they don't notice, "I said as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever Sparky," she said as I snickered. She closed the first suitcase and with the second one she started to put some more clothes in there and she even put a toy in there. 

I forgot she always put a toy in the bag just so she'd be comfortable. One time when she didn't bring it with her she started to all of a sudden freakout and we could barely even finish our mission. I went into the kitchen to go eat something before I leave to go get something. I saw her walk into the kitchen and she sat down in a stool and started looking at me. "What's up?" I asked as she smiled. "Hey do you want to come with me on my trip to meet my parents?" she asked as I shrugged. "No!" I said very neutrally. She seems shocked by my answer. 

"Why do you not want to come to meet my parents?" she asked kinda mad now. "Because by the way you are your parents must be strict," I said as she gritted her teeth. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with her voice full of venom. I'm in trouble! "Okay, you know how I was a brat when I was in my teens and everybody was surprised cause the Old Geezer was nice and as people say I was mean?" I asked her as she started laughing. "Yeah, nobody didn't really like your ass and I still think that nobody still doesn't like you," she said as I rolled my eyes. "Good to know," I said being sarcastic and she was giggling. I got a little close to her and put my arms around her. "You know how your a sweet kind woman that any man will fall for?" I asked kissing her rapidly. "I'm guessing so," she said as I kept on kissing her. "Well if you think about it, kids are as sweet as candy must come from strict families," I said as she tapped my arm. 

"So no I'm not meeting your parents," I said as she gave me a serious look. "You're going," she said as she was glaring lasers into my eyes. "No, I'm not," I said glaring at her back. Two can play at this game. Having a glare down with your girlfriend can be very scary. 

Next thing you know you are on a plane with your girlfriend going to meet her parents. How fun! She was leaning on my shoulder cause she was tired. Luckily the thing I need to go pick up is in that destination. After hours of being on that plane, we had got off. I only had one bag cause I didn't need to pack that much. I'm not like Erza who would bring fifty million things with her on that one mission. After we had got our bags and left the building and was in the front, there was a limo waiting for us. Lucy just grabbed my hand and got in and I followed. I think the driver handled our bags.

When he got in the car and started driving he said: "It's good to have you back Lucy Heartfilia!" he said as I was shocked by her last name. "I thought your last name was Deman," I said as she snickered. "Sorry I never told you might real last name, when I moved to Fiore to be an agent I had to change my last name cause my parents have their own agency," she said looking nervous. "Why Deman?" I asked as she laughed. "Cause it sounds funny," she said laughing. I snickered as well cause it was pretty funny. "Like my naive self thought putting demon and angel together would be creative and then it came to when somebody demanded something," she said as we both started laughing. "Nice one Blondie!" I said as she smiled. "So I'm guessing I call your parents Mr & Mrs. Heartfilia?" I asked as she nodded.

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