Listen Laxus Listen

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Lucy POV

I started to head towards the place Laxus always go when he avoids me; the bar. I use to think why go to a bar when we already have one at the agency. I was jogging towards the place trying to catch Laxus before he left home towards his house. I was speeding up cause I just have to say something to him. I know we had broke up, but I can't leave our relationship the way it is. I had made it to the bar and breathing pretty hard. I should have took a cab, taxi, or even a ride from somebody crazy. I think everybody was looking at me and I rose my head up to see the bartender looking concern. 

"Lucy are you okay?"he asked as I nodded. "Is Laxus here?"I asked as he nodded his head as a 'no'. "Okay good to know."I said walking towards the counter. "Can I get one cup of booze?"I said as he walked towards a barrel and put booze into my cup. He put it on the counter for me to drink and probably enjoy. I started to chug it down like quickly then once I was done I had put it down on the counter and burped pretty loud. "So what's the price Jeff?"I asked pulling out my wallet. "It's on the house Lucy."he said as I smiled. "Thank you."I said getting up and leaving the bar.

He must be at home. I started to run because it was about to be dark and I think there was going to be a storm tonight. I hate lighting to be honest. I hate how it's too bright and the sounds just make it even worst. I feel like it's gonna kill me. I had finally made it to Laxus house which was in the forest. I swear I gotta start running again. I haven't worked out in like six weeks. I guess that can do a lot to you.  As  I was walking it was getting pretty windy so when I saw Laxus house I jogged there and now I was at the front of his door. I had knocked on the door and waited until s he answered the door. He kinda lives alone now. He looked right at me and then slammed the door in my face. Well that was just rude. How would he like it if I slammed the door in his face.?


Laxus POV

Once I saw Lucy I couldn't handle myself and just slammed the door in her face. I should probably let her in cause it is bad weather outside and what I just did was very rude. I was about to go and open the door until she let herself in by kicking it open. That woman got some nice damn legs and she know it. 

"Well I guess you let yourself in."I said as she glared at me. "Your just rude. Who slams a door in somebodies face?"she asked about to yell. "You'd be surprised that it is a lot of people that do that."I said in a whispering voice. She rolled her eyes and punched me in the shoulder in a playful way I guess. I mean like it didn't hurt that much. 

"You know it's rude to come into somebodies house without the persons permission"I said as she cocked up one of her eyebrows. "Your basically breaking the third amendment."I said as she looked at me like I was stupid. "Seriously?"she said smacking her forehead. 

"So why are you basically here Lucy?"I asked curious. "Because I wanted to apologize for everything."she said. "Look the reason I did it was because your too good of a man for me and I don't deserve a man like you because even though your mean and stubborn towards other; you treat me like a queen and I know that you would never try to hurt me or let somebody else hurt me."she said as her eyes started tearing up and her face got puffy. She put her face into her hands and started crying. She was rubbing the tears off her face and looked at me. "What I'm trying to say is that I don't want our relationship to stay like this. You hating me because of what happened. I don't wanna end up in a bad relationship with you. You've been my friend for I don't know how many long, but I know I don't want it to stay like this."she said. I felt my heart warm up and I walked towards her and pulled her into my chest for a hug. She started to cry while I was rubbing her. "It's okay I forgive you."I said as I could feel her smiling. 

"Well I will see you at work tomorrow."she said as I smirked. She pulled away and walked towards the door until the sound of lighting came. She jumped up and started shaking. I forgot she was afraid of lighting. The sound went on again she bent down to the floor covering herself. She started to cry and was shaking like crazy. I walked towards her and bent down to the ground and picked her up. I walked towards my bedroom, I opened the door,  and I put her on my bed. I got my headphones and put it over her ears. I played Blue Monday and turned the volume up. She stop shaking and crying and started to calm down. She went to sleep and was snuggling close to me. 

"Lucy Heartfilia Deman I will always love you no matter what happens."I said kissing her on the forehead.

Thank you for reading

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