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Laxus POV

I was going on a mission with Lucy because I asked her to come. This required a dance partner, so I asked her if she was comfortable with this. To my surprise she said yes. We were both on the train and I was laying my head back on her lap because I got sick. I got motion sickness and it's a pain in the stomach. She was playing with my hair since it's so soft, smooth, and wavy.

"So what's this mission about again, Laxus?"she asked as I sighed. "Were supposed to be tracking down  a group of bad guys trying to sabotage our client."I said as she cocked up her eyebrow. "What?"I asked as she just looked away. "Nothing."she said and leaned back. "It's something just tell me woman."I said as she sighed and looked at me. "This mission sounds like it's for the police to handle and plus the way you put the sentence makes it sound like were superheroes when you say bad guys."she said  looking down at me.

"What's the difference?"I asked as she pouted and looked away. "Nothing,"she said as I sighed and then I raised my hand up to her hair and started to curl a string of her hair. "What are you doing?"she asked surprised with what I was doing. "I feeling your hair it's soft and a little curly. I like what you have done with it."I said as I saw her blush and look away from me while she pouts. "Stop flirting."she said as I smirked and then sat up. I turned her around to look straight at me and her face got even hotter. I brung her in close for us to kiss. I looked at her in the eyes and she seemed very into this. I put my hand over her mouth and smashed my lips against my hand.

She seemed pretty shocked at what just happened and I removed my hand from her mouth. She kept blushing then she gritted hair teeth and slapped me. My face turned a little cause Lucifer slapped me and that hurts like hell. I felt my cheek stinging and I put my hand on it. I looked at her and she was glaring at me. "Don't tease me like that Laxus,"she said and then she pouted. "I really thought you were about to kiss me."she said as I looked at her still. "Sorry I didn't think you wanted a kiss from the way you react when I'm about to do it."I said as she tensed up. "Yeah you usually get mad about this especially since we're not dating anymore."I said as she looked at me and pouted. She had mumbled out something that I didn't quite understand and I just decided to ignore it.

"You must be feeling better from your motion sickness."she said as I forgot that I had it and then I started to get sick again. I layed right back on her lap and glared at her while she just smirked. "You just had to remind me didn't you?"I asked as she nodded. "This is payback for what you did Sparky."she said as I sighed and just closed my eyes to rest.

After about another hour we arrived at our destination to see it was nighttime. "All passengers may exit the train."the speaker said as I got up and got my bag and Lucy bag. We exit off the train and looked around. Wait did I forget something. Oh now I know what I forgot. I forgot to reserve a room for me and Lucy. "Shit!"I said as I caught Lucy attention. "What?"she asked. "I forgot to book us a room."I said as she didn't look to worried as usual when I did things like this. "Luckily I booked us one while you were sleep."she said as I tensed. "How did you know I didn't book us one?"I asked curious.

"Well when we use to date and we did stuff like this you forgot the one thing to do which is to book us a place to stay at."she said like it was the obvious. "Right so where are we staying I asked as she sighed and started walking somewhere and I followed. "It should be that building right there."she said as I looked at it to see it was pretty tall like some of the other buildings. "Okay."I said. After walking for a good fifteen minutes me and Lucy finally made it to the hotel we were going to be staying at.

I got the key while she was just checking us in and doing whatever. When I made it up to the room and entered I was surprised to see one bed instead of two. I put the both of our bags down and got on my lacrima waiting on her. She came to the room a few minutes later and I looked at her while she looked confused. "What?"she asked as I looked away blushing. "There's something. You don't look at me that long unless you want to know something."she said as I rolled my eyes and looked at her as she closed the door. "It's just that there is one bed instead of two."I said admitting it.

"Oh well there was a field trip here so almost all the two bedrooms are taken Sparky, sorry."she said getting her stuff and putting it on the bed. She started to do whatever and I went into the bathroom to see a huge bathtub. I went back into the room and got my bag and then went back to the bathroom. I started to run the warm water and waited. Lucy came in with her stuff and I looked at her. "Wait are you fin to take a bath?"she asked as I nodded. "Can I join?"she asked as I blushed and looked away. "What made you wanna join?"I asked curious. "Well I can't stand another second looking and smelling like trash and plus you have some soap and conditioner that smells good."she said as I looked to see she was blushing and pouting. 

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