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Laxus POV

I was in my office writing a report about my last mission I went on. Yes people you have to write a report about every mission you go on and come back from. I remember at the age of seven my Gramps started making me write some reports. You'd be shock of what I did next after writing the report. Well probably not that shocking. I had stopped going on missions until my Gramps explained I had to write a report just, so they can know what happen.

I heard somebody knock on my door and I said "Come in." and I heard the door open. I looked up to see it was Lucy wearing this:

I sometimes wonder what is her attire supposed to be for this job? "Hey Lucy

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I sometimes wonder what is her attire supposed to be for this job? "Hey Lucy."I greeted showing a smile as she smiled back. "Hey Sparky."she said. "Lucy I told you of the millionth time to stop calling me Sparky."I said as she snickered. "I know, but it's still fun to call you that after 16 years of being friends."she said as I rolled my eyes and blushed. 

"So what cha doing?"she asked. "I'm writing a report about that mission I went on."I said as I think I saw a tint of blush. "You know the one you healed me after I got done, and just came over to your apartment banging like a mad man."I said as I saw her head go down. "What's wrong?"I asked. "Nothing it just sounded wrong."she said. "Which part?"I asked curious I guess. "When you came...over... to my apartment...banging like a mad man."she said as my face heated up a little.

"But I do gotta ask you something important."she said as I looked at. I sat straight in my seat and focus my undivided attention on her. "Do you remember anything from that night you came over to my apartment."she asked. "No, not exactly. To be honest the only thing I remember is you helping me, giving me medicine, and also trying to seduce me."I said laughing at that last part as she glared at me and threw something at me. "I wasn't trying to seduce you."she said. "It's good you weren't trying cause that almost got me to do something."I said as I saw her blush. She mumbles something I didn't quite understand so I just ignored it.

"I know this might be random, but have you ever wanted kids?"she asked me as I cocked my eyebrow. "What made you all of a sudden wonder about that Blondie?"I asked as she tensed up. "Hey I'm right here asking the question."she said as I leaned back in my chair. "Well maybe if I had everything settled."I said. "What do you mean your already settled?"she asked as I rolled my eyes and thought about it. "I guess what I mean is that since I have my lifestyle in order, I'm old enough to have a family at this age, and I have things in order I guess I'm just waiting for the right woman."I said as I saw her blush. "Oh."she said. "So is that a yes or no?"she asked as I looked at her like she was slow. "Yes. I clearly said I was old enough to have a family."I said. 

"I understand."she said. "So why would you even ask me that question?"I asked concerned. "Hey still asking the questions here."she said. "Okay last one and then I'm asking the question."I said as she nodded. "Um when was the last time you have sex?"she asked as I cocked up a eyebrow. "Why would you ask me that?"I asked. "I'm curious."she said. "Lucy I haven't had any sex with anybody since me and you broke up."I said as she blushed and looked the other way. 

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