The Check-Up

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Laxus POV

I was walking to the clinic at the agency to get my check-up. I had got a compliant from Lucy saying 'You need to come get a regular check-up.' and she has been saying this for weeks. Even though me and Lucy broke up, were still friends. I mean I understand if she needs space and I totally am cool with that. To be honest I don't know what she sees in me. My Gramps would always say 'Your a very mean person at times' for some reason. He said I started being a little warm hearted when Lucy joined the agency. 

I had made it to the clinic and walked in to see Lucy reading a book. I had closed the door and she looked up. "Finally your here."she said closing the book and putting it down. "Yeah I got a lot  of messages from you  saying I need a check-up."I said. "Well duh. I mean you can't go on missions or anything if you don't get a check-up. You'll like literally lose your job."she said blushing then looking away. "Aww Blondie is gonna miss me if I get fired."I said as she looked at me and glared. 

"Who said I was gonna miss you."she said turning pink. "I mean you don't really have to say it, you basically just show it."I said. "Cause you kept bugging me about Laxus you need to get your check-up."I said as she had walked forward and put her hand over my mouth. "Okay Sparky. Now come on you need to get your check-up."she said as I smirked. She removed her hand from my mouth and then she had walked away with me following.

"Okay I need you to sit down on one of these beds."I said as I did what she said. "And I'm gonna have to ask you to remove all clothing accept for boxers."she said as I looked at her like what. "What?"I asked. "Laxus this happens mostly at check-ups."she said looking at me. "Well I'm not comfortable with this cause you know since we had broke up,"I said as she cocked up her eyebrow. "What does the break up have to do with the check-up?"she asked. "Um a lot of things. Like you checking my manhood and other parts of my body."I said.  "Laxus quit acting like I never seen your ares before. Your forgetting we had heated sex before."she said glaring as I had formed a big smirk on my face. "Heated sex you say, so did you enjoy it or something?"I  asked. "Um I guess so,"she said blushing.

"Look here even though we ain't together I can still satisfy you."I said as her face was the color of pink. Her skin sure does change colors when she feels strong emotions. "I'll think about it."she said with her head down. "now remove your clothing accept for boxers."she said as I did what she said. The thing that made me a little bit surprised was that she was looking at me as I stripped off my clothes while she was writing down something in a file. After I was done stripping off my clothes and leaving only my boxers on Lucy came over with her materials to check me. 

"Okay I need you to breathe regularly like you are doing right now."she said as I was just breathing. "Okay heart rate is normal."she said. "Like it always is."I said. "Okay lean back so I can check your penis."she said. I had leaned back and she had pulled down my boxers to check. "You like what you see?"I asked as she blushed.

"Stop it."she said then touching it. I guess she is still checking it. I need her to stop touching it before I get a boner. Cause she's like the only girl that turns me on for sure. "Okay your penis is good and lets move on."she said as she starts asking questions that weird me out a little and once she was done testing me she said "Put your clothes back on." and she went to go put up the file and i was about to put on my clothes until she kept looking at me. "Lucy if you want to see more just ask."I said as she glared at me still blushing. "Laxus I attend to keep this professional."she said putting up the file and walking towards me. "Well you looking at me isn't really that professional."I said as she gritted her teeth and then grabbed me by the next and kissed me on the lips.

"Damn,"I said as she pulled away and blushed and then she passed out. She sometimes is full of surprises at times. I had decided to put on my clothes and take her to my place. I left and locked her door and headed to my house. When I made it I put her in my bed  and I had when to take a shower to get ready for bed. When I was done I had got in bed with Lucy and she seemed pretty uncomfortable. I had took off her clothes (and left the bra and underwear on) and put her in one of my shirts she likes to wear.  I had got in bed then fell asleep. I felt somebody cuddling me and I figured it was Lucy since she's in bed with me.

Thank you for reading

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