Oh My Mavis

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Lucy POV

I was at my apartment in the living room reading a book just enjoying a Friday night like always. I would enjoy my Friday's nights because I get off of work early. I was pretty interested in what was going on and I laughed at one part of the story at what these people actually did. It was all piece and quiet until I heard somebody banging on my door. Okay who the hell is knocking on the door at 10:30pm at night? It can't be the landlord because I already paid my rent like on the first, so it couldn't be her. I heard the person bang once again and I know it ain't Minerva cause my door would have been knocked down already. Oh fun fact; when me and Orga were going out like actually dating and this was way before me and Laxus started dating. I found out that him and Minerva use to date and she got all jealous cause she like them crazy bitches on t.v. saying 'You stole my man.' and I got really tired of that. I mean after me and Orga broke up for whatever reason they started dating and then Laxus had confessed his love for me. Then me and Laxus started to go out for a year or two and then me and him got into this huge fight that caused us to go on a break. I felt like I Laxus was too good of a man for me and I was crying at my sad place and Orga saw me and was confronting me.

I asked Orga for a favor and he agreed to it and then all the other stuff happened and Laxus came to the place we stayed at together and he seemed pissed and everything. Then you know the rest. Once again somebody was banging on my damn door and so I marched over there and then opened the door and yelled "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE KNOCKING ON MY DOOR AT 10:30pm?"and then I looked at the figure to see it was a badly injured Laxus. He had blood dripping from his clothes and I gasped. "Laxus..."I said and then he looked like he was about to fall down until I quickly caught him from falling. I put his arm around my shoulder and then he leaned on me hard. I had got him towards the couch and just laid him their. "Sit right there I'll get my stuff so that I can heal you."I said as he seemed like he was kinda breathing slowly. I had rushed towards the kitchen to get my gear and was setting them out.

Laxus POV

I had came back from a mission I had went on by myself and I barely made it back badly injured. I was gonna head to the agency to get checked up, but then I realized it was Friday night and Lucy might be at her apartment reading a book in her comfy clothes. I had then decided to head there because I knew Lucy could help me out. I headed there quickly and when I made it I kept banging on the door. I had to do it a couple of times because she didn't answer. I did one more time before I fell down and then she answered yelling. Who the hell yells at somebody when they knock on the door for help. I heard her gasp and then I almost fell until she caught me. She had guided mw towards the couch and let me lay their. She was getting her things and I felt like I was losing sight. I had then closed my eyes and decided to finally rest. I could hear her running with her gear and I felt her touching me.

Lucy POV

I was checking everything and luckily he was gonna be okay. All I needed to do was give him a shot, wrap him up in bandages, and then give him a pill once he wakes up. It supposed to make him recover. I had got a shot out of my bag and then entered the liquid into the bottle. I splattered a little bit out just to see if it works and it did. I had got out a wipe and wiped it on his arm and then inserted the needle in. He started to groan and then I took the needle out and put a bandage around it. I got more bandages and set it aside so I can put Neosporin on his skin where he had scratches at. I did that and he started to wake up and then I put the bandages around him and sat him up. I had got the pill and a glass of water and said "Swallow this it will help your system out and lets hope there will be no side effects."

He did as I said and then sat back. "Thanks Lucy, I don't know what I'd do without you."he said as I smirked and blushed. "Well you'd probably die."I said as he snickered. "Yeah probably so,"he said. "Yeah, but to be honest if you weren't here I'd probably die as well and I'd give up."I said with my head down. "What do you mean?"he asked leaning up a little bit. "What I mean is he encouraged me through hard and tough times since I known you."I said as I think I saw him blush a little bit or it was just my imagination. "Well glad I can help."he said as I smiled. "Well you should get some rest Sparky."I said giggling and he rolled his eyes and laid down. I went to go get some wine cause I was having a craving for that taste of liquid. I had got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get the bottle and the cup. I poured the liquid into the glass and started to drink. I heard Laxus groaning a lot and he kinda was moving around a little bit until he stopped. I think he is in a deep sleep now. I finished the glass and went right back to the couch to see he was actually sleeping. I had sat down right next to him while he was laying down sleeping. I had got up and then I felt somebody pick me up and I looked to see it was Laxus who put me over his shoulder and headed towards my room.

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