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Lucy POV

A few months had passed by and Mirajane and Freed had their baby. I was so happy for them, the baby was so cute. They had a baby boy and his name is Hiroyuki. We call him Hiro for short. The baby mostly looked like Mirajane but acted like Freed. Today Freed and Mirajane came over to drop off Hiro for Laxus and me to watch him. Laxus didn't want to but Freed guilted him into doing so.

So right now we had Hiro over at his place while Mirajane and Freed had some alone time. I was sitting on the couch with him watching kids shows that Mirajane had picked out for him while his milk was warming up on the stove. Laxus seemed like he was trying to avoid the baby by work out downstairs.

I don't get how someone wants to have a baby, but they don't want to be around one for practice. I guess with what's been going on he doesn't exactly want to impregnate me. A couple of minutes went by and I had to go check the milk. It seems like it warmed up so I grabbed a baby bottle and put it in there. I squirt some milk on my arm to see if it was warm enough.

The milk passed the test so I took that and gave it to the baby. He couldn't exactly hold the bottle on his own so I had to put it in his mouth. He had just started to drink the milk. I sat down on the couch with him again and started paying attention to the kid's show. It honestly didn't seem that bad. I never thought that I like this type of kids' show.

The baby was paying attention to whatever was on tv. I don't exactly know the kids show that Mirajane had brought for him to watch. It did seem entertaining with the family of pigs and other animals. I think it is called Peppa Pig. He had other tv series that Mirajane had put in his bag.

I heard footsteps coming from downstairs which means Laxus was done with his workout. I looked behind me to see him shirtless and sweaty. "Are you done with your workout?" I asked him. He looked at me dapping the sweat off his skin and nodded. "So after you take a shower do you wanna come down here with Hiroyuki and me?" I asked as he seemed like he was thinking. "Yeah sure," he answered. He walked upstairs to take a shower and I put Hiro in his crib.

I walked upstairs to Laxus room. I know it seems like I live here with him, but I still have my apartment just in case we either break up again or we get into an argument. He wasn't in the bedroom, he was in the bathroom taking a shower as he said.

I walked into the bathroom and opened the door to the shower. He looked surprised by what I did. "Lucy!" he was a little upset but I didn't care. "Laxus, why are you avoiding the baby?" I asked him. He seemed like he didn't know how to answer. "For a man who said he wants kids you sure don't seem like you want to help take care of them," I called him out because he told me months ago he wanted to try and start a family once everything was settled. 

"Look I'm sorry, I'll be downstairs to help out," I smiled once he said that. "Thank you!" I gave him a peck on the cheek and left. I went right back downstairs to see Hiro still watching tv. He all of a sudden started to cry and I walked towards his crib to pick him up. 

I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't stop crying. I went to look for his pacifier in his bag, but I couldn't find it. Mirajane says that when he is crying the only thing that calms him down is his pacifier, calming music, and some other stuff I can't remember. Mirajane was talking way too fast for me to even understand half of what she said. Her and Freed were in a rush to leave. 

I started to rock him back and forth, but he wouldn't stop crying. He just kept getting louder and louder. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I'm guessing Laxus is done with his shower. "Here let me take over," I had handed him Hiro who still kept crying. I walked over to the countertop to grab my phone and wallet. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I'm going to the Dollar Store to get a pacifier and some tea,". "Why tea?" he tried to calm Hiro down. "My mother told me that it knocks the baby out when you have them take a bath in tea," I smirked. "Is it safe?" he was rocking a more upset Hiro. "100% safe!" I smiled. I left towards the Dollar Store that was close by Laxus house to buy Hiro a pacifier. 

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