School Mission

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Lucy POV

I've been having anxiety lately about what Ivan had said to me. I didn't feel safe once again. I can't believe his dad is planning on taking his son's life. His own flesh and blood. Why would someone do something like this? Growing up, Ivan was never the best person to have around the agency. He couldn't follow up with Makorva's orders and despised him for some odd reason.

I remember he had taken some of his anger and frustration out on Laxus. He had turned him from a sweet little kid to a cold-hearted boy at one point. Laxus would act like an asshole to others but he would lighten up on me. I didn't know if it was because he felt safe around me, he couldn't imagine treating me like he did the others, or because he was in love with me. It was possibly all three of them.

I don't want to break Laxus's heart again. I was surprised he even gave me a second chance. I honestly didn't expect us to get back together. I liked how we were able to talk some things through. The only thing I feel like he won't get over is me and Orga. I told him so many times that it wasn't real and it was just fake, but he doesn't seem to believe it.

Unless he does and he's just looking back on my and Orga's history. There's nothing serious then or now between me and him. We're just good friends! I can't blame Laxus for being insecure when the thought comes to mind. If he was laying in bed with one of his exes and it looked like they've done something then I would be upset too. I can't fully see where he's coming from, but I would hate the thought of it happening.

I sighed as I looked at the blank ceiling. I was spending a night at Laxus place like always. He's asked me multiple times to move in with him, but I always decline the offer. He says I rarely even go to my own apartment and he knows I hate dealing with the landlord. She always complains to me about nonsense. I was in bed with him still wide awake. It was hard for me to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about all the damage I could cause.

I heard the lacrima that everybody had got at the agency buzzing so I sat up in bed to answer it. We usually use these to communicate emergencies or so we can have a conversation without others voice recording our messages. I was getting a call from Mirajane. I looked over at Laxus to see he was still asleep and got out of bed. I went to the kitchen so I could have my conversation with Mirajane. I didn't want to wake him from his sleep. Plus I didn't know what the conversation was going to be about.

I slightly opened the door as it squeaked a little bit. I cringed and looked back at Laxus to see he was still sleeping. I exited out of his room and closed the door behind me. I looked at the glass ball to finally answer Mirajanes call.

As soon as I answered her face had popped up. "Lucy, what took you so long?" she whined. "Sorry, I was asleep," I lied. I had to think about it and I had realized I was using Laxus lacrima. "Wait Mira this is Laxus lacrima, do you need to discuss something with him?" I was a bit confused. "No silly, I called for you, I figured you wouldn't be at home since you're always at Laxus place," she smiled.

"Oh yeah right, so what's up?" I simply asked her. "Ok, I've been assigned a mission to go collect some information at this school because we got word that there's somebody there with it," she explained. "What do you need me for?" I was confused once again. "I need you to accompany me on the mission you're one of the only people I know who can actually stick to their identity and collect data quickly without there being any destruction going on," she told me. I had to think about it a little bit. Maybe I can clear my head with what's going on.

I've been stress lately, not with just Ivan threatening, but with trying to start a family with Laxus and some upcoming events. But starting a family is going to have to be placed on hold. I decided I was going to accepts Mirajane's request to come on the mission with her. "I'll accompany you on the mission Mirajane," I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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