12 week scan!!

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They both wake up from the situation the night before and Sophie is still annoyed with him.

" Are you still annoyed with me "? Tristan asks.

"So what if I am". Sophie replies.

"Well we have the scan today and I do not think they are going to want a sad patient in the room" Tristan says tickling her.

"Fine I will stop being grumpy but can you stop tickling me". Sophie says.

"Fine as you said that you would stop being grumpy with me I will stop". Tristan says stopping his annoying act.

"Lets get up and get ready for the appointment today". Sophie says.

"Okay , lets get ready". Tristan says.

"Can you go so I can get changed , you could go in the bathroom and get ready". Sophie asks.

"Okay , I am going to get changed in the bathroom but let me know when I can come back in". Tristan says before walking towards the bathroom and shutting the door closed to get changed himself.

Sophie gets changed and 10 minutes later she lets Tristan come back in.

" Ready to go "? Tristan asks.

"Yeah , lets go". Sophie says walking downstairs towards the door and then walks out of it ans huts it behind her with Tristan following behind.

They drive to the appointment and have finally arrived at the hospital ready for the scan.

They walk up to the receptionist and tell them that they have an appointment.

"Hello , what can I help you guys with "? The lady in sitting behind the desk asks.

"I have an appointment for 10:30am today". Sophie says.

"Whats your name "? The lady asks.

"Sophie White". Sophie says.

"Please could you confirm your date of Birth please". She asks.

"22nd March 1994". Sophie replies.

"Okay thank you , give me a second and I will find out the details for your appointment today". The receptionist replies back.

"Okay , thank you" Sophie replies back.

" I have looked at your record and that is definitely  your date of birth and you have got the midwife called Emma , she is really nice and will be there for you through your pregnancy so i would not panic". The receptionist says and then laughs.

" i would hope that is my date of birth and thank you". Sophie says laughing a little .

" If you would not mind taking a seat and Emma will call you down soon , I will email her quickly to let her know that you are here ." She says.

"Okay thank you". Tristan and Sophie both say and then take seat.

About 10 minutes later Emma comes out and calls Sophie's name.

"Miss Sophie white please". The midwife says.

Tristan and Sophie follow the midwife into a room were the ultrasound was placed.

"Sorry that I took a while , I was setting all of this up for you". The midwife says.

"It is okay , you can not have an ultra sound without an ultra sound machine". Sophie says laughing for the second time today.

"That is definitely true". The midwife replies back.

"Could you please lift your shirt up and lay on the bed please". Emma asks whilst getting the wand ready.

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