Day out with Luisa and Kirstie and bumping into someone special!

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Today Sophie decided to go out with Kirstie and Luisa to go out looking at baby clothes to cheer Kirstie up from yesterday, Sophie asked Anna but she was working today so she could not come.

" I am heading out with girls, I will be home later , what are you doing today"? Sophie says sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Not a lot , I might just go out for a few drinks with the boys and then come back here and watch TV". Tristan says who is sat down at the table too.

" Okay, I am going to go , see you later ,love you". Sophie says standing up from her chair and walking to the front door.

"Bye , love you too".  Tristan says getting up from his seat and walking towards the door.

Sophie and Tristan walk towards the front door and as soon as Sophie walks out of the door Tristan closes it.

Sophie walks to Luisa's house to meet her and Kirstie there and then set off for a fun day.

She finally arrives at her house and knocks on the front door.

Connor opens the door and lets Sophie in , Sophie goes in and Connor shuts it behind her.

"Hi , how are you and the baby"? Connor asks walking into the kitchen where Luisa was drinking her fruit smoothie.

"I am okay and the baby is doing fine , we are just waiting to find out the sex of the baby". Sophie says following Connor into the kitchen.

" Oh hi Sophie , I thought you were coming a bit later , do you want a drink or anything"? Luisa says finishing her drink and then putting the glass in the sink.

"No thank you , I am okay and I thought that I would come a bit early to let you know what we are doing today". Sophie says back.

"I am going to leave you girls to it , I am going to go upstairs into the studio , If you need me let me know". Connor says kissing Luisa on the head and then heading towards their bedroom which was upstairs.

Awwwww, you guys are so cute, how long have you guys been together again"? Sophie asks standing next to Luisa was leaning on the kitchen side.

"4 years next week , I can not believe that we have been together this long and have done so many things together". Luisa says blushing.

"AWWW, you are blushing ". Sophie says smiling at Luisa.

"Okay I am blushing , I did not think that I would find somebody as cute and as nice and generous as Connor , he respects me and because of that I love a 1000 percent, I never thought that we would still be together after first meeting each other in a bar on my 19th birthday". Luisa says.

"Who knows , there could be a wedding in the making". Sophie says.

"We have talked about this a couple of times and I think we are going to wait until way into the future, probably when we are about 30". Luisa says.

" Should we get going otherwise we could be speaking about this all day"? Sophie says.

"Yeah , lets get out of here". Luisa says walking towards the front door and then Sophie follows.

"Bye babe , i will see you later"! Luisa shouts hoping that connor can hear before walking out of the apartment and then locking up after Sophie came out of the house.

They walked to Costa where they were meeting Kirstie for their day out. They finally arrived and noticed Kirstie standing outside so they decided to walk up to her.

"Hey , how are you Kirst"? Luisa says.

"I am okay , apart from the fact that I have been texting Daniel and he wont reply to any of my messages". Kirstie says.

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