Lunch dates and questions to be answered??

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It was a Friday morning at 10 o'clock and Tristan as well as Sophie did not want to get out of bed but they knew that they had to.

" I think it is time to get out of bed" Sophie says.

"I know but I do not want to , I just want to lay here with you all day" Tristan says turning around so that he was facing Sophie.

"As much as I would love to we need to get up . we have got a lunch date with the guys later". Sophie replies playing with Tristan's hair.

" Okay fine". Tristan says getting up from the bed and Sophie does the same.

"Should we go downstairs and have breakfast"? Tristan asks whilst making the bed.

" Yeah , what is chef Evans making today"? Sophie asks.

"That was for special occasions , I am not doing it again until another occasion". Tristan replies.

"Please , It is a special occasion , me and the bubba ar hungry". Sophie says laughing.

" Okay fine , only because I need to look after you two and because I love you". Tristan says.

"I love you too , lets get downstairs then". Sophie says.

"You are in a bit of a rush". Tristan replies.

"Well yeah , Me and the baby are hungry". Sophie says.

"Lets go then". Tristan says walking out of the room and walking downstairs with Sophie.

They both go into the kitchen were Sophie sits down on a seat that placed around the table and Tristan starts making the breakfast.

"What are you making me and the bubba then". Sophie questions holding her belly.

"Some pancakes with strawberries and cream". Tristan replies before starting to make the mix for the pancakes.

"MMMM, my favourite". Sophie says.

After about 20 minutes of preparing breakfast it is finally ready.

"Breakfast is served for my girls". Tristan says placing the food on the table and then sitting down next to Sophie.

"What do you mean girls"? Sophie asks feeling confused.

"Well , I kind of think that the baby is going to be a girl". Tristan says.

"Well we never know , we will have to wait until we go back for the scan to see what the gender is". Sophie says before digging into her breakfast.

"Are you enjoying that by any chance"? Tristan says laughing.

"MMMMMM, yes I am , these are amazing" Sophie says.

"Anything for you" Tristan says before kissing her cheek and then digging into his breakfast.

After about an hour of eating they both headed upstairs to get changed for lunch with the guys at 12.

"I am going to get changed in the bathroom but let me know when you want me to come in". Tristan says before walking to the bathroom with his clothes in his hands.

Sophie and Tristan got changed in two complete different places and were finally ready.

"Can I come in yet"? Tristan asks waiting outside the room.

"Yeah , you can come in". Sophie says.

"Wow, you look gorgeous , what do you want to spend the 2 hours doing until we have to go"? Tristan asks walking back into the room.

"We could maybe watch a film for 2 hours"? Sophie questions.

"Yeah , what movie do you want to watch babe"? Tristan asks taking a seat on the bed.

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