Talking To Anastasia and Tristan coming home!

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 Sophie wakes up from the argument from the night before with the sun glistening in her eyes. She steps out of her and Tristan's bed and makes the bed the way it was before she got into it last night and headed downstairs.

She went into the living room and called Anastasia

" Hey Anna , could you come over "? Sophie asks.

"Yeah , are you okay "? Anna asks.

"I am okay , could you just come over"? Sophie replies.

" I will be there in about 30 minutes time"  Anna replies wanting to know what really is going on.

"Okay, thanks"! Sophie replies back.

                      End of phone call

30 minutes later Anna shows up at  Sophie and Tristan's house.

" Hi Sophie , how are you"? Anna asks.

"I am fine"! Sophie says whilst her and Anna head to the living room.

"You know if you ever want to talk I am always here and I know that you really arent okay Soph"! Anna replies hoping that she will tell her the truth.

" I am okay , Please stop asking me "! Sophie replies .

" Please just talk to me because I know that you really arent okay and  maybe speaking might help"! Anna replies back.

" Fine okay, me and Tristan had an argument and I am scared that he is going to find out about the baby being someone elses ". Sophie says whilst breaking down.

"It is okay, calm down , stress is not good for the baby, explain to me the whole story". Anna replies trying to calm her down.

"We were going out for a walk to the park and I got a phone call from an unknown person and I picked it u wondering who it was and it turned out to be Nathan the guy who raped me, threatened me to tell Tristan that  the baby could maybe not be his otherwise he would tell him". Sophie says feeling sick inside from the whole situation.

"Oh my god, have you told Tristan yet, you should report him to the police , infact isn't he meant to be rotting in jail by now"? Anastasia says feeling annoyed.

"Well he told me the day after the incident that he would admit it to the police but then told me today that he couldn't be bothered and the only thing he cares about is knowing if the baby s his and him seeing the baby if it is his". Sophie says.

"What did you say"?  Anna wonders.

"  I said that there is no way that that is going to happen and that I am going to make sure he ends up where he belongs , rotting in a cell so no one else has to go through what I went through". Sophie explains.

" That is what I would of said as well "! Anna says.

" I am just not ready to tell Tristan about the baby maybe not being his , I dont know how to tell him"! Sophie replies starting to cry again.

"DO NOT WORRY , I am here for you and we will sort this out together, that is what best friends are for"! Anna replies trying to help Sophie calm down for the second time.

"You are right , I think it is my hormones as well , I just want Nathan to leave me alone and get on with my life"! Sophie says back.

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