Reese 3

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As we walked down to shoot somthing about Kiana changed. She looked happier, more free. I know it sounds weird becuse I had only just met her but the the nervous defensive girl in the Apollo cabin was gone. I checked my watch. 5:15.

"Hey guys, dinners in just over and hour." Zack was a really good guys and one of my best friends, but he was also kind flighty.

"Okay Reese." As we reached the archery area, just before we were infront of the targets, Kiana stopped us and told us she wanted to try somthing. She got in to a perfect shooting stance, Muttered somthing I couldn't hear and shot an arrow so fast I didn't see it until I heard a thwack in a dummy. The arrow had stuck in the dummy's forehead. But I figured she could do that with such a bad ass bow. But the thing was, the dummy was 30 feet to her left. That was insane. How could she do somthing like that? She looked so satisfied with her self. That when she squealed with delight over her triumph, mine and zacks jaws nearly fell to the floor.

"So kiki, I don't think it's a good idea for us to go against you." Zack told her.

"Why? Worried you can't beat a girl? Also never call me Kiki. My nickname is Ki. "

"Well you see, even I as a child of Apollo can't hit somthing like that. You wernt even pointed at that."

" I know!! Isn't that awesome?"

"No ones ever been able to do that. Not even Apollo kids." I said

"Does that mean I'm special?" I saw somthing in her crazy eyes that I recognized in my self when I first found out I was a demigod. A desire to feel like somebody important. hunger to prove herself to everybody. Hope. And at that point I knew I was falling for this girl. Oh mother I hope you have somthing good planned for me if I like her so much already.

"Yeah. It does." She lit up and jumped around. Then somthing happend to me. It felt like I was being swirled around for days not seconds. I thought oh no. Is this what I think it is? Then the light disappeard and I saw Zack and Ki looking at me strangly. I looked down at my self and see that my white tee shirt and camo shorts were gone. Replaced them with a toga that settled low on my hips and bearly coverd my chest and back at all. Luckily the toga thing wasn't see through, and covered my knees. Zack asked me

"Dude did you just get the blessing of Aphrodite?" I noticed Kiana still starting at me. Or well I should say my body. Since I already liked this girl a little flirtion could only help right?

"See anything you like, Ki?" She snapped back to attention. And smiled at me with her eyes and looked straight at me with a look that said yeah. I sure do. She pulled her pin straight hair out of its pony tail. And let it fall around her. Dang her hair was long. This is going a little fast. For me anyway.


Oh. My. Gods. Reese was soo hot. We'd only known eachother for about half an hour,but I knew I liked him. I was nearly drooling over his abs. Like. For reals. He was like a freaking statue.

"See anything you like, Ki?" I snapped my attention to his eyes. I still couldn't talk so I gave him my best flirty look. My hair was falling out so I pulled the pony tail out and shook my hair around. I looked at Reese again. I saw in his expression that he liked me too. But maybe I should take it down a notch. I quickly did my hair back up. I slung my bow across my back, when Zack spoke up agin and scared the crap out of me.

"We should find you a shirt man. Percy won't like it if he sees you walking around in basically a skirt."

"Shouldn't we tell Percy? I mean, I have an crown and my hair is styled back."

So Zack ran to the Aphrodite cabin to get Reese a shirt, becuase well, Zack was a little too lean to let him borrow one of his. While him and I walked over to a big building that looked like a mini White House.

"Dude where's your shirt? Percy asked when we walked in. Then he fully took in what had happend to him and he began to smile "Well,you are a son of Aphrodite, it's was bound to happen. I wouldn't let your sisters see you like that though." Zack walked in with a green Led Zepplin tee shirt and black jeans.

"Sorry it was just what was on top of your trunk. " He said slightly breathlessly. I saw him looking at Reese discreetly. He walked over to a small bathroom in the big house to change. I wonder....

"Oh Reese, well I guess were absolutely positve about your mother now." Annabeth said through the door. Zac mouthed 'we'll talk later' and I nodded to him.

"Well it time for dinner now kiddies," said Percy. Dinner already? It's early.


I can't belive Ki caught me looking at Reese. I just hope Percy didn't. That would be mortifying. I think my new sister is way cooler than my other ones so I'm going to try really hard to be friends with her. But should I tell her my secret? Well, I am a child of Apollo so they all know. Well everybody kinda guesses even though I've never said it out loud. On our way down to the tables for dinner I told Ki about how we eat and give half our food to the fire for the gods and she nodded. She kept looking over at Reese though. I think they should be a thing...

-after dinner, at the Apollo cabin-

"Oh well that's cool." I know she had heard me, and Reese wasn't here to distract her.

"So your cool with having a bisexual guy as your brother?" I questioned her.

"Yeah... should I not be? Your like really cool. And your my friend, and I don't really care about peoples sexuality. It's like falling in love with their... downstairs instead of the person, and I think that's kinda shallow." She looked side long at me. "Can I tell you somthing?"


"I'm falling for Reese. Like hard." I smiled warmly at her.

"I mean how could you not? he's like the most beautiful, down to earth camper here." She smiled dreamy and clothes one one her fiery red pillows. It seemed like every thing exept her jeans were red, yellow, orange or white. Or her eyes. Her crazy cool eyes. She had turned her bow into that ribbon and set it under her pillow so no one would try to steal it. "Night Kiana," I said as I went under my blankets.

"Night Zack." After a few minutes I heard her breathing slow, and knew she was asleep.

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