Kiana 6

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When I woke up that next morning groggy at first, but then I realized how big today was. I shook out the shorts that I had on yesterday, pulled them on, tucked in the front of Reese's shirt in. I grabbed my bow and quiver and walked up to the big house.

"Hey Percy, you'll never guess who was in my dream, when I collapsed," Percy looked at me. I could tell he hadn't been awake not than a few minutes when I barged in.


"Apollo. he gave me a quest." Percy looked startled. This was the first quest in four years. We have to get together the 7 and Rachel.

"Come by after lunch and well discuss it then. I'll have all 7 here."

"I would like to bring the three other people I'm taking on my quest with me. Will they be allowed with me?" He nodded and I left to try and gather my Athena child, because well I already knew wich son of Aphrodite I was going to take.

As I was leaving to Big House, I crashed into somebody. "Watch where you're going..." my voice trailed off when I saw who I had run into. Reese! I jumped over and hugged him. He flinched at first then wispered

"Kiana," and hugged me back fiercely.

"Do you two need a room?" I have him one last squeeze and looked up at who was talking to us. It was obviously and Athena girl, what with her gray eyes and tiny tattoo of an intricate owl on her bicep. Well that was cool. I stood up and brushed my self off and helped Reese up as well.

"Nah were good." I looked at him hoping for and introduction to this tough looking girl.

"Oh uh Kiana, this is Laci. She's a daughter of Athena. I think were going to need her on our quest." I looked at him skeptically.

"How do you know that were going an a quest?"

"Well I just assumed you were getting our uh orders or somthing when you zonked out yesterday. Sorry," he looked genuinely apologetic and remorseful. And I knew I couldn't stay mad at him, also he had the last person I needed for my quest.

"Okay,then we need Zack and-"

"Never fear! Zack is here!!" He said dramatically, with a huge grin on his face.

"Welp. Since were all here lets go down to the ampitheater and talk about what's next." Laci said. We all agreed and headed down there.

I sat next to Reese and across from Zack and Laci. Reese had his hand on my back and was rubbing small circles between my shoulders.

"So what happend exactly?" Laci asked

"Well I was showing Chiron, Percy, and Annabeth my shooting thing, and then I blacked out and woke up in the throne room with Apollo there he basically told me he was there to tell me my destiny. He then told me this prophecy,

Shoot with the hunters

Free the moon

Free the magic

Free the night

Light will be your enemy

Dark will be your friend

And told me I should take Zack, an Aphrodite son and an Athena daughter. And I woke up." I recites quickly. Not yet comfortable with the whole, 'i saw my daddy and he gave me my destiny' thing. They all stated at me. Reese's hand froze.

"Well let's look at it. It's a simple prophecy, comming straight from a god. 'Shoot with the hunters' that means were going to have to meet with the hunters of Artemis. that's easy."

"What if we have to fight them? Not with them?" Zack skeptizied outloud.

Reese checked his watch.

"It's lunch times guys," he said. We all got up to go get our meal

After lunch we all stood out side the Big House. I looked at every one. We all took a big breath, before walking in.

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