Nico 25

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Laci and I no longer found it nessasary to speak aloud anymore.

'What do you think we should do?''

'We don't need to do anything Laci.'

'But it's going so fast."

'we were down in the Labrynth a lot longer than we though. Our bodies kept progressing at a normal rate, while in the labrynth it was much slower. So it's been about 6 weeks'

When we got back to the hotel Laci noticed a tiny bump in her flat stomach. Barely there. She began counting days, we had gone into the labrynth at the end of June. It was now middle of August. She never got a period while we were in the labyrinth so the thought she might be pregnant.

'Are we ready for somthing like this?'

'No. But we'll get there together sweet heart.' Personally I didn't think she was pregnant. But I couldn't let her know that. She had to figure it out.

"Besides," I began out loud "don't you trust me to take care of you guys?"

"Of course I do. I just don't know if I'm ready to be a mother. I'm only 19, Nico." I forgot how old she was. Me at 25 it seemed reasonable to start a family. But at 19? maybe not so much.

"I heard that." She said in mock anger.

"I know." We were laying in the bed, her head on my chest and my arms wrapped around her. A movie was playing but neither of us cared enough to watch it. I feel like we would be amazing parents. But I also didn't think she was pregnant anyway. She sat up and looked at me

"Why don't you think I'm pregnant?"

"First your stomach wouldn't look like that after six weeks. It's probably just muscle definition. There was blood all over your pants, and it would be hard to tell yours from Raven mockers since you killed so many. but I'll guess we'll see in the morning." She deflated slightly.

"Yeah I guess so. I threw away all the clothes I was wearing in the labrynth and didn't check them." I sat on my knees infront of her and put my hand on her chin and made her look at me.

"If we have a baby, we do. If we don't we don't." I said quietly.

'I guess I over reacted. I'm sorry baby.' She said into my head and hugged me. I pulled away and kissed her gently. She wraped her arms around my neck and I knew which direction the night was going to go. Moved my arms from behind her and placedy hands on her hips. She had lost some of her softness. He hips were slightly more pronounced and if she sucked in we would be able to count her ribs. Her hands roamed underneath my shirt, so I took it off. Then hers. She had gotten comfortable enough that she wasn't wearing a bra beaneth the thin fabric. She shivered from bare contact.

'I love you Nico'

'I love you too Laci, and I will forever.''

'Forever,' she thought back. I knew I'd never get enough of this girl.

The next morning I woke up still embracing her. She was curled up to my chest like a child. I carefully got up so I could go to the bathroom. There was somthing I'd never had the opportunity to try before, that I would like to. I sat down on the toilet when I was done and went into her mind. She was still dreaming. And I saw her holding a baby. And I saw my self standing in front of her. It was a small being, wrapped in a light pink blanket. She had lacis gray eyes and my dark hair. It was then that I realized that she wanted a baby. And I wanted one as well. I guess if it happens it happens. I mean, I'm her Guardian I guessed it was bound to happen.

I was noted out of the dream for two reasons. One being Reese knocking my on the door. Two being it woke up Laci. Still in her mind the first thing she though was 'I want Nico' I had a little flutter in my stomach. I had put on a pair of shorts after last night. But I didn't think she did so I went to out door and saw Reese and Kiana standing there.

"Morning!" Kiana said chipperly

"We just woke up. Give us like an hour. Then come back." I shut the door on them, and went back to Laci. "Honey, we need to get up. We're going back to camp today." She sighed and stretched out. The blanket came below her chest. And she was still naked. I went over and grabbed black tank top and light shorts for her. "Her Laci. Put this on." She smiled tiredly at me.

"How do you feel?" I asked crawling back into bed with her. She pulled the shirt over her head once the shorts were on and said


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