Kiana 21

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What if it was night? What if they found the goddesses with out us? Nico and I were good fighters. They might need us. Oh gods we were going fast. And it was dark. Why did I agree to this? What if I go crazy again?

Right now it feels like there are a million voices in my head shouting at me. And I need to puke. But suddenly I'm standing up right. I feel the sun on my face and everything clears.

I can think normally again. Okay so now I'm above the labrynth with Nico.

"Wow. I everything is so clear again" I take a deep breath and think for a moment. "Okay let's say it takes them 45 minutes to walk the two miles it takes to get to Nyx and Artemis. We should try to think while I'm still sane."

"Maybe you should eat first." His sentance is punctuated with my stomach growling loudly.

"Well when you put it like that."

After I had eaten some good from my bag I said to Nico "so when ever I go crazy you'll just bring me up to the sun?" The sun was setting. It had been about fifteen minutes and I intended to soak up as much sun as possible.

"I suppose. But I don't like being away from Laci too long." He got a weird look on his face "speaking of.... she says they've walked the mile. And there are monsters ahead... Raven mockers." what?

"We need to go then." I gripped my bow, and stung an arrow.

"Okay." He took my arm and we melted in to the ground and moved quickly across the ground. Then I realized somthing. Laci was talking into his mind, I knew they had made love but I didn't think it would progress so fast. Well at least well have a connection. I wonder how long we'd been down there. It doesn't feel like long. I feel like going back into this labrynth is suicide.

Suddenly I'm standing up right in a dark area. I feel multiple presences. I quickly hold up my hand and turn my light on as fast as I can.

"Kiana, please some warning next time you want to flash us." Laci said, walking over and hugging Nico. I lowed my hand and watched them for a moment. Nico leaned down slightly and placed a bearly there kiss on her lips. I was so focused on watching them, that I didn't feel Reese come up to me. He wraped his arms around my waist, and was cheek to cheek with me. "I'm so sorry," he wispered to me. I turned and looked at him with confusion.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I couldn't take you my self. Because I'm not a good enough Guardian to you." Well now I was just a little peeved.

"Reese, I don't ever want you to say your not good enough ever again. There is a reason you were picked to be my Guardian. And now wether you like it or not your stuck with me. I love you," I was quite a bit shorter than him so I was looking up into his grayish blue eyes.

"Couldn't you guys do that some other time?" Ariadne yelled at us

"Couldn't you be better ah choosing moments to interrupt?" I yelled back at her. She huffed and started talking to Thalia.

"Kiana. I love you to but,-"

"Everything after but is bull shit," and then I jumped up a little bit and kissed him. He caught on quickly by holding me up by my waist.

I pulled away and he set me down. I took his hand in my free one and walked tword the group.

"Alright. What's the situatio?"

"There are between 50 and 100 raven mockers in about 3/4 of a mile. After that well be at the goddesses front door." Ariadne said. I strung my bow with and arrow and said

"Let go kick some ass," I lit my entire body up with enough lit to see down to path that would lead us to these demons.


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