Nico 16

337 9 2

She was nervous. The hunters did that to her becuase she didn't know them that well. We held hands while walking. Natâsha and Zack hung in the back talking. While Ki was making friends with Acacia. I saw the sneaky glances she made at Reese. I don't think Kiana did though. Looking down at Laci I saw the small red mark on her collarbone, and the edges of yellow, but darkening bruises peeking out of the sleeves of my shirt. Gods I loved seeing my clothes on her. But traced my finger around the busies and she looked at me.

"I'm sorry I about this, sweetheart." I told her.

"It was worth it." You could see the bites and hickeys she left on my neck. But I did that on purpose. I wanted these girls too know that I was hers and she was mine. Yeah I know what being a hunter entailed, but still. I put my arm around her shoulders and she put her arm around my waist. She was nearly blissfull.


I wish I had been with Reese last night. I felt the need to mark him. I noticed Acacia looking at him. It worried me because she was very beautiful. And Larissa and Destiny seemed to think he was hot as well. I payed no attention to it and kept talking to her.

"So how long have you been a hunter, Acacia?" I asked her

"Uh 15 years now." Wow. Shouldn't she be more faithful to them? I guess they're those girls who think 'its okay to look, I just can't touch" so i put my arm around his waist just to show her that I'm the one with the guardian. I'm the leader of the quest. I am the daughter of Apollo. I realized I hadn't responded to her so I nodded in her general direction before Reese pulled me aside.

"What's up Kiana?"

"They're all checking you out and it pissing me off becuse they don't know that. I want them to see that they can't have you." I knew I sounded greedy. It was horrible. It was selfish. But I needed it. I think he saw that, becuase he leaned over and kissed me. Then he moved down my neck and left a hickey at the base of my neck where my shoulder meets my throat.

"Now they know your mine. But go a head." He leaned over showing his neck to me. I bit a mark just above him right collarbone. It turned red. But I don't break the skin and it would be visible. I felt like an animal. "Okay come on. Let's catch up." We ran up to the group, ahead of Zack and Natâsha. So we where next to Nico and Laci. It was weird knowing that they had had sex. With us in the room nonetheless. I guess they were adults. I mean Nico was almost 26 for crying out loud.

"Were here." Thalia called. We surrounded her. There was simply a huge tree with a hole on the trunk. "All you do is walk through it and you'll be In the maze. Kiana why don't you come up here and go first?" I nodded to her and walked up to the tree.

"Are you sure Thalia?"

"Very, Kiana. Now go. Reese will be down to you in a moment." So I ducked and walked through the whole. It was dark. Somthing told me to hold out my hand. Palm outwards. My hand got hot but not uncomfortable. Then it glowed orange. And I could see. Huh how unusual. I wonder if Zack can do this.

"Hey baby are you that light there?" Reese said behind me.

"Yeah. Come here were going to keep walking forward. It was like a tunnel. But I held on to Reesees hand. Even with my light it was still black so I pointed it at the ground so we didn't step on anything. Then it started getting brighter. And my light dimmer the brighter it got. The rest of the people filed in behind us. We were in a white room. Totally empty. There was a door leading out of it. I ignored the chatter of the other people and walked to the door.

"Kiana! what are you doing?" Reese's yelled at me.

"I'm going to find the godesses and kick some of Kalona's ass." I said fiercely.

"Ki, baby we have to plan first we have-"

"Don't tell me what I have to do. The plan was get to the Labryth. Save the godesses. My instincts are telling me that what we need to do is go through that door. Now. You can come with me or you can stay here with them." I prepared my weapon, and reached for the door again.

"I will go with you Kiana." he said and pulled out his blade.

"So will I"

"Me too"

"Count me in." I smiled with me small victory.

"Everyone get your weapons ready." I closed my eyes and concentrated on the light in my hand. I made the light come on. I knew it was orange. I pictured it in my mind change from orange into white. Like a high powered flash light. I closed my light up hand around the door handle and pulled.

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