Kiana 13

465 8 3

These girls looked tough. I knew they were reliable. I just hoped we could convince them that comming into the labyrinth was going to be a good idea.

"Listen, we're going to be able to find the other hunters, and save Artemis." I told them.

"And why should we help you anyway?" Ariadne asked hoitily I wanted to scream. But instead I decided to show them my bow. I gave her a glare and said

"Here's why you should follow us," I pulled out the ribbon tied a bow. I ignored their gasps of surprise pulled out an arrow "hit the wall directly behind Ariadne's head. I pointed at her face. And let my arrow fly. It hit the wall with a satisfying crack in the dry wall. Thalia turned to me and nodded.

"Okay. When?"

"Tomorow morning you will lead us to the labyrinth. For now we would like to rest a while." Reese told them. Thalia nodded and we left the room. I thought I saw Zack take a fleeting glance at Natâsha as we left. Reese and I went to procure a room near the hunters.

"Hi! we would like a room for five please," I said cheerily at the man. He glanced at me and said

"Sorry kid you'll need a credit card and ID to get a room." And went back to his reading. Then Reese began talking to him

"Sir," the man looked at Reese's eyes and glazed over. "You do have out ID and credit card." The man nodded " now give us the key to the closest vacant room to 119b. Do not lose eye contact with me." The man reached his hand up and grabbed a nearby key and handed it to us. "Thank you. My friend here is now going to hand you some money for our night. You will not remember that we were ever here in exactly 24 hours." The mad nodded once more. I took out five twentys and set them on the counter, turned around and followed Reese out the door to 120b.

"Reese, what was that? did you just charmspeak him?" I said exitedly. It was the first time a ever seen any one charms speak.

"Yeah, why are you so exited?"

"Because I didn't know you could do that! It's so cool!" Was he blushing? I think he was.

"Let's just get everybody else. And take a nap. Or plan. Or eat. " He took my hand in his and smiled at me.

So somthing we didn't foresee was there being only two beds. Zack went and asked for a twin to be delivered to our room. Nico and Laci were planning on sharing a bed and Reese and I were following suite. But that left Zack odd man out. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for Natâsha though. That's was cute. I could totally see them being together.

"So are you guys hungery? Cause I am!" Laci said. She then goes and pulls out five lunch ables from her bag and distributes them.

"Laci why do you have 5 lunch ables in your bag?" Nico asked her smiling, making tiny pizzas.

"For when we get hungery duh!!" She laughes. we all look at her strangely.

"Oh hey, Ki I was meaning to ask where you even got that money," Reese says to me.

"Oh yeah. In the drachma bag there was like 2 grand in American cash along with the coins." Their jaws all drop. "I saw a store about a block away, want me and Reese to go get some food and stuff?" I began to stand up, questioning them.

"How will you carry it back? You each only have one back pack," Nico stated

"My bag is bigger than it looks" he shrugged. Reese and I walked out the motel door. Drinking the juice pouches that came with our lunch. For some reason I wasn't hungery until I got the little pouch of chicken nuggets handed to me. Now I was starving. I slipped my hand into Reese's and we walked in a comfortable silence till we got to the walmart.

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