Laci 14

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Nico and I slept together!! Not is a sexual way, but he held me while I slept. The strip across my stomach where his arm layed still tingled. It was probably around one in the morning when I woke up and looked around. Reese and Kiana were cuddling. Zack was splayed across his small bed. Then Nico woke up next to me.

"Hey Laci. What are you doing up?" oh my gods. His sleepy voice was so hot.

"I'm not sure, I just woke up." I smiled tiredly at him. It was dark in the room. I wished I could see him better. So I turned on the Lamp in bed. I felt his hand on my cheek.

"Yeah?" I said a little breathlessly.

"Nothing. I just wanted to look at you." I made a decision.

"What I'm about to do is brash."

"Wha-" I kissed him on the lips. I was sitting up with my knees pulled to my chest. He was leaning up on one arm. I pushed him down to the bed. "Laci wait there's somthing you need to know,"


"Well before I met you I'd never liked uh girls before," wait he was gay? Well I accepted everybody, but when the guy I would want to be in a realationship with was not really attracted to me was crushing. When I felt somthing wet on my legs I realized I was crying. "Hey, baby don't do that, he was on his knees infront of me. I laughed dryly.

"Baby? Nico we cuddled and slept together. We kissed. Then you tell me your gay. Sorry if I'm over reacting, but I've been in love with you for years. Ever since I saw you at camp when I was 9. You were fifteen. I fell in love with your bomber jacket and lonelyness. I never did anything with anyone until literally just now." Tears were streaking down my face. I knew I was an ugly crier. But who cares.

"Laci, I'm so sorry. That didn't come out the way I wanted it too. Before you, I only liked guys. But now that you're here and been in my life the past couple days, it's like nothing I've ever felt before. Like Reese said I was chosen for you. I feel like there's somthing he's not telling us. But you are special. I want you too." While he was talking I stared into his nearly black eyes. I knew he was telling me the truth.

"So now what?" He smiled brightly at me. He wiped the last of my tears of my face. Set my legs flat on the bed. He picked up my legs and crawled between them. I wrapped them around his waist and put my hands on his shoulders. His armed caged me. His palms rested on the head board behind us. His breath hot on my face. I don't kiss his lips yet. Instead I placed bearly there kisses along his jaw and down his neck. I nibbled on his collar bone. I felt him shudder and gasp under my touch. I put my hands under the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"I thought you said you'd never done anything with anybody before," he said shakily.

"What can I say? I read a lot of books," he shook his head and picked me up and layed me down on our bed. He took my shirt off. He stared at me. "See somthing you like?" I wispered.

"Yeah. I do." He backed up a little bit and leaned down and started kissing my stomach, he kissed each of my hips before he put his hands on the waistband of my shorts. "Are you okay with this?" He asked. Was I? This was the guy I'd been waiting ten years for. I'm 19 years old. This was what I wanted.

"Yeah" I said breathlessly. He smiled devilishly at me. He pulled the shorts off completely. I was left wearing my bra and under wear. Nico was still wearing his jeans. "My turn," I announced I sat up in the bed and pushed him down on the pillows.

"Your turn to do what exactly?" He laughed. I didn't say anything. I kissed his abs. He had that v thing on his hips. Ohmygods. This was the best idea I'd had in a long time. I kissed just above the button on his jeans. Then I unbuttoned them, I pulled the zipper down slowly. Revealing black under wear. What did I expect? pink? hah. But what didn't expect was how turned on he was. I pulled his jeans all the way off and discarded them behind me. I kneeled between his legs for a moment. Thinking. I guess I thought to long because he was on top of me in an instant.

"Laci, I want you." He damn near growled at me.

"Then have me." I said simply. He started kissing me passionately again. I knew what I was doing was right. Every nerve in my body was a live wire. I was hot with need for him. He unhooked my bra and threw it to the ground. I started to get nervous. "Please just be gentle Nico."

"Don't worry baby. I've got you." I felt more realaxed. I was now completely naked. I felt vulnerable and exited. I knew I couldn't make to much noise other wise I'd wake them up. But you know what? Who cares? I'm sure somebody in this room has done it before. We were both naked now. He pulled away for a second and asked "are you ready?" I bit my lip and nodded. His mouth moved over mine. That's when it happend. It was a sharp pain all of a sudden. I gasped and tensed all my muscles. I felt tears rolling from my eyes into my hair. He didn't move. Oh no. I had scratched his back. Really hard. I felt the welt forming already. "Just realax baby. Stop tensing you muscles. Its hurting you worse." I slowly uncleanched. He was right it didn't hurt so bad any more. He began to move in a little bit more. There was more? Oh. I'm finally seeing what all the fuss is about. He was still kissing me, but he was going so slow. It don't hurt any more so I whispered.

"Faster. Nico. I want more" and faster is what I got. He put his hands under my ass when I arched my hips up. His mouth left mine and went to my chest. Nico kissed each breast. He started sucking on one. I moaned at him. "Nico, Nico," I gasped. I ran my hands through his hair. he started slamming into me, it's didn't hurt though. It actually was better. I heared a moan escape his lips.

"Laci" he gasped. I brought his mouth back up to mine. We couldn't wake anyone, I kissed him hard. His hand wrapped around my upper arms and he lifted me up onto his lap and he layed down on the bed. I knew that since I was up on my knees it wasn't all in me, but I wanted it to be, so I slid all the way down. I smiled at him. "Do it again" he wispered. I leaned over and started kissing him again, lifting my hips until I knew he was it was almost out. Then I went back down again faster. I kept doing this until he gasped and I felt somthing build up inside me and I started shaking. Nico noticed and lifted my hips for me. It was faster and harder though. It felt soo good. "Nico, I'm gonna, I'm gonna c-"

"I know. Me too" he picked me up and slammed me down one last hard time and we both found our realease. I wanted to scream his name. I settled for a wisper.

"Nico Nico" oh gods. That was amazing. I toppled over on the the bed next to Nico, still laying on his chest.

I felt a little sore. I was laying on his chest quietly, tracing the definition of his abs and hips. He seemed to good at it for him to be a virgin as well. I decided not to question it. I shivered a little as his hands lightly glided across my back.

"How are you baby?" he asked. I looked up at him.

"Sore. I don't think I'll be able to walk for a couple hours." I checked the clock bed side. It was 3 in the morning already. "Babe we need to go to sleep. We are supposed to be meeting the Hunters in 4 hours."

"Alright." He pulled me closer to him and tucked my head under his jaw. I saw I left red marks on his collarbone. Oh well. Ateast he's mine.

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