Zack 20

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Wow. I'm surrounded by idiots. I can't belive Ariadne would just leave. She only wispered 'I found them' to Thalia and started walking away. What the heck. Who does that? And Kiana looked insane, Reese's was holding her together like a shattered glass.

"Hey guys? Ariadne is going to get the other hunters," he cut of Hecate, so I don't think that's going to bode well for him in the future.

"Well, I'm not letting her go by herself." Nickie said. I guessed they were pretty good friends. There was one other girl in the next group of girls named Renée. They were best friends. She talked about her a lot. She described her to me. Long light brown hair, brown eyes with green edges, tall, curvey and fierce. Leah and Renée were cousins. Leah's dad was Renée's mom were siblings. They apparently attracted gods or somthing. Renée was a daughter of Apollo, a healer to be specific. Leah was the daughter of Athena. Oh. And Mya was their cousin too. But she was married into the family. What was is about their family that attracted gods? Looking at Mya it was weird. we were walking down the hallways again, I looked at Leah and Mya. Mya was a daughter of Hermes. The dynamic of Leah and Mya was odd. They had soft deameanors but their was somthing oddly enticing about them.

"So Leah, Mya, and Renée are all cousins? All Demigods?" I asked nickie.

"Yep. Renée was explaining it to me one day. Apparently, Mya and Renée's mothers were daughters of darkness, a group of only females that are either daughters of the godess Nyx or are blessed by her. They are gorgeous and even the children of Aphrodite hate them, because they are like huge heart breakers. But other people, humans and gods and non-Aphrodite demigods are like drawn to them and they either have kids with them or they get broken.

"Apparently the gods got lucky with Keri and Jill. Who are their mothers. They were really close and even ran the group for a while. But they wernt daughters of Nyx, but they were children of minor gods. Their only real powers came from Nyx." She shrugged while rounding another corner.

"Wow. That's crazy. So why did they join the hunters? to prove somthing?"

"Actually, yes. Just to prove they weren't just the children of gods, and daughters. They wanted to be more than somthing to look at. They wanted somthing other than what Jill and Keri had. They wanted to be their own people so they joined the hunters," Nickie told me. I was having a hard time looking away from her brown eyes and beautiful face. So thinking about it for a very short time, I took her hand in mine. I knew I had big hands. Somtimes I got weird looks from girls for them but I liked havering big hands. Nickie's hand fit perfectly in mine. She looked up and smiled at me. There was a little voice in the back of my mind singing 'kiss the girl' from The Little Mermaid'.

"Nixies!!" A girl rounded a corner and yelled in nickies direction. This must be Renée. She ran over to us and took Nickie up in a tight hug. She was mesmerizing. Long brown hair that was kind of straight, kind of wavy, that came nearly all the way down to her her waist. High cheek bones, full lips. She had a gap in her two front teeth though. She stood slightly away from her and I saw that she had slightly wider than average shoulders and hips. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. 'Get your self out of it Zack. You know why she's so enticing. Stop looking at her' I told my self. Her and Nickie talked for a minute before Kelly, Mya, and Leah called her over. "I'll be right back" she said. The group had stopped. The other four girls in Renée's group were standing by Reese who was giving them Gatorade and crackers from Kianas bag. Nico was talking to Laci, and Hecate stood away from the group with Morgana. Larissa, Destiny, and Acacia were talking to Ariadne and Thalia.

"Zack, what are you doing?" Nickie asked me.

"Surveying the group" I said with out missing a beat.


"So I know what's going on. What are the names of the girls who we just found?"

"The short blonde girl is Ace, the tall girl with black hair is Savannah. The two brunette girls are Andi and Molli, twins." She told me. I noticed Kiana standing by herself, her arms wraped around herself. She looked scared and nervous. Still emitting that light. I looked at Nickie.

"I need to go talk to my sister. I'll be right back." I didn't wait for an answer.

"What do you want Zack?" She asked vehemently.

"I just want to see if you're okay"

"I don't think I am. Who is that brunette girl talking with Kelly Mya and Leah?"

"That's Renée. She's technically our sister."

"Why does she have brown hair then? I though we were all blondes?" She wondered

"I guess not. Her mother was a Daughter of Darkeness, wich I'll explain later. But Mya and Leah are her cousins."

"RENÉE." Kiana called. The girl looked over at us, said somthing quickly and came bounding over, taking long strides.

"Umm yes?" She said quietly

"I am Kiana. Zack and I are your siblings. I was wondering somthing."

"Ki, what are you doing?"

"Can you guys light up like this?" She asked us

"Umm I don't think so. I've never seen that before..." She put her hands up to Kianas temples. "May I?" She asked. Kiana looked skeptical, but nodded any way. What the heck was she doing? Renée closed her eyes and concentrated.

A moment later she gasped. "Kiana. You are very sick. You need to be above ground as soon as you can." She looked worried.

"What do you mean? Why?"

"You haven't been in the sun for almost 12 hours."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means you will get very sick mentally and physically. Because of the fact the Hecate is your grandmother, she basically enhances your powers from Apollo. The down side is if you don't spend enough time in the sun you will get sick like this and die. And it's accelerated becuase were underground as well." Reese came by with her bag just to hear the last of Renée's little spiel.

"What's accelerated?" he asked. she explained to him in slightly more detail, as he was her guardian. Kiana stood in shock, white knuckling her bow.

"How long do I have to get to the surface?" She asked in a wisper. Renée closed her eyes then said

"About 24 hours before the physical sickness. 48 until you pass out." Kiana broke down crying on the ground. Reese knelt down next to her and pulled her into his lap. I didn't know what to do, so I walked back to Ariadne.

"Where are the other two goddesses?" I asked her, interrupting her conversation.

"They're together. About 2 miles away, straight shot, but we have to weave through the labrynth." I turned away from her and told everyone it was time to go. Nico and Laci were with Reese and Kiana, trying to comfort her. all the hunters and Hecate began walking. As I got closer to them I heard them talk.

"...Could always shadow travel and get her some sun." Nico offered

"No, it makes her sick."

"But that can be healed with a sip of nectar. This can't." Laci said

"True." Reese said. "Ki, sweetheart Nico is going to take you to the surface." he told her.

"Are you comming?" She asked

"No, it will just be you."

" Reese I don't know..."

"Baby you have too." he said. She nodded.

"Uh Kiana, you have to turn off your light thing." Nico said.

"Oh right." She concentrated for a moment before the light that was illuminating her dulled then went out completely. "Okay I guess I'm ready," she took Nicos hand and they melted into the ground.

"We have to catch up guys." Laci said.

"Yeah. Reese let's go." I said to him.

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