Kiana 18

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I was furious with Ariadne. Her mother was the goddess of LABRYNTHS. We were in a labyrinth. She didn't think it was a good idea to tell us this earlier? I was just mad at the whole lot of hunters. Thalia should have told us about her mother. I didn't even know about the godess Ariadne. Which I should have.

"Ohmygods. I'm so glad you guys found us to you have food and water?" A girl with long dark blonde hair asked Thalia. She pointed at me and said

"She does though" the girl and two others looked dirty and hungry. I passed out gatorades and sandwiches.

"What are you guys's names?" I asked them.

"Kelly" said a girl with wavey dark blonde hair and blue eyes. I was emitting my light dimly.

"Leah" said a sweet looking young girl with short brown hair.

"Mya" from a girl who had Curley black hair, and soft features. "Who are you guys?" Mya asked us.





"Zack,"we shared. They finished off their gatorades and threw them into the tunnel. "Okay we've gone left twice, so now we keep down this tunnel until another turn."

We were now to go right.

"Okay guys," I started "everyone get your weapons ready, we have no idea what's down there but we have to find Hecate." I glowed brighter. I wonder if Zack could do this if he tried. Why was I so special? I put my hands out and glowed down the hall, Suddenly a red door appeared. I walked down the hall with my bow ready and my hand out streached tworeds the door. I felt the group following hesitantly behind me. "You all see the door as well?" Did I just say 'as well'? what's happening to me? Reese came up to me and put his arm around my waist.

"We see the doors Ki. It's okay." He must have known the somthing was happening to me. My mind was in a hundred diffrent places, but I couldn't keep track of any one. All I new was that we needed to get to that door and save Hecate.

"Let's go then." We continued down the hall way.

When we got to the door there was no door knob or knocker. There was a black mark in the center.

"Put you hand in the mark Kiana. Try to burn there." Reese told me. He was rubbing my shoulders. I put my hand on the door. I closed my eyes and imagined my light becoming fire. I imagined a white hot flame on my hand. My hand heated slightly. It wasn't the white hot heat I wanted so I imagined it even hotter. I wanted a searing instant burn. Then I smelled the charring of the wood. I held my hand there. Then the door have way and I was able to push it open.

"Well hello there ladies and gentleman."

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