Reese 24

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By sundown we were back at the sign.

Now entering Columbia Ohio.

"Nico can you get us back to camp?" Laci said

"I'm not sure. I need to rest guys. I'm sorry." Laci knelt in front of him since he was leaned against the post.

"Renée. Please can you help Kiana?" She looked at me confusedly.

"Set her In a sunny spot. She'll wake up before the sun is entirely down."of course. Why hadent I though of that before?

In a few minutes her eyes started to flutter. I had her head laying on my lap so her hair wouldn't get any grosser. She wouldn't have liked that. Actually thinking about it now I don't actually know that much about her. When we get back to camp im remedying that as soon as possible.

"Reese?" her peicing eyes met mine, and my breath caught in my throat. "Where are we?" she said tiredly.

"We're at the sign were we stared. Nico is going to shadow travel us back to camp in a while." She made an odd face and turned on her right side, facing away from me.

"Just carry me when that happens. I don't want to get sick again." I smiled and put my hand on her waist. I really hoped I was able to get her alone soon.

"Hey Reese? How do you feel about getting a hotel tonight?" Laci asked me. A hotel sounded amazing. Kiana would be able to sleep. We would all be able to get some rest.

"Sounds amazing. Same one as last time we were here?" I asked her. She was in the possesion of all the mortal money since we had to change Ki's pants.

"No, there's a really nice hotel nearby. We could all get our own rooms." She explained. Ah I get it. I smiled at her.

"How far?"

About 2 miles as it turned out. I decided to carry Kiana. She was so exhausted. We had Nico check out four rooms for the night. Couples would each get one. I guess Zack and Natâsha were a thing now? and Renée would get a room adjoining theirs.

I set her down on the fluffy bed gently. Trying not to disturb her. I decided a shower wouldn't hurt and went into my bag for a pair of athletic shorts and a t shirt. Since Ki was still sleeping, I took a little bit longer in the shower. When I came out she was on the bed eating a sandwich and drinking a bottle of water. When she saw me she smiled.

"So do we have the room to our selves tonight?"

"All night long." I said huskily

"Okay because I need to shower too." She hopped of the bed and ran into the bath room. I laughed at her. Then I started over thinking. What was going to happen tonight? What did I want to happen? Was Ki ready? I munched distractedly on some pretzels for the forty five minutes she took in the shower. When she came out, I knew the answers to all my questions. I wanted her. I wanted her bad.

She was wearing black spandexy shorts and a hot pink crop top shirt. Her hair was down and still fairly wet. I let a low grumble out and she smiled at me. She had a faint scar on her darkly tanned leg. Where the Raven mocker scratched her. It healed so fast. I stood up and walked in front of her.

"Kiana," I put my hand on her bare waist. "I want you."


I was well rested. When Reese put his hand on me my heart raced. I knew I wanted him too. I knew I was ready.

"I want you too Reese." His mouth was on mine slowly but surely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted my self to my tippy toes. His hand worked their way down my waist to below my butt and he picked me up and settled me down just above his hips.

I pulled away for a moment. "Bed," I wispered huskily. He backed up and layed me down on the bed. His body weight on top of me felt so natural. I removed my mouth from his and pulled his shirt of. He did the same to me. I knew this was going to happen tonight so I had put on a lacy bra. Or I guessed it would happen. I'm not sure.

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips again but then began to work his way down my jaw, my neck. To my chest. Where my breath caught and my heart raced even more. But instead of staying there he kissed a trail down to my belly button. Then he kissed just above my waist line. His hands her on top of my hips, looking for permission. I didn't know if I was able to talk so pushed the fabric down lightly. That's all the invitation he need because next thing I knew the shorts and my under wear were on the floor. Not fair. Not at all.

I sat up and got on my knees. He followed suit. "My turn," I said with a devilish smile. He layed back down, upside down on the bed. I straddled his hips and kissed him again. I stayed on his collar bone a while. Sucking and lightly biting the skin there. Marking him. It seemed so right that I didn't think about it till I saw that I turned his flesh dark red, nearly purple. Immediately I felt guilty and places a butterfly light kiss on it.

Just above the waist band I stopped. He groaned.

"Why did you stop baby?" he asked. I took off my bra and was compleaty naked in front of him. I went back to his shorts and worked them down quickly. Now we were both naked. I didn't feel exposed though. It was perfect. I touched him a little bit. He moaned again. Wow. That was somthing I could get used to hearing. He sat up suddenly and started kissing me with more passion then ever before. But it didn't feel rushed. My hand roamed the taught muscles of his back. I wrapped my legs loosely around his waist. I felt him between my legs. I moaned when he grinder his hips there for a moment. He pulled away and grinned at me.

"Oh we're just getting started." His hand was near me now. I hit my lip in anticipation of his touch. I craved it. I didn't realize much until now. And I felt him there. He was kissing me again. Every sensation was so new to me. Every movement he was making was a new thrill. He took his hand a way from me and I groaned slightly. He reached over to my bag and pulled out a foil square. When did that get in there? he opened the package and rolled it over himself. His arms were on either side of my head once he had positioned himself right. I was ready. I nodded to him and with one small movement I was no longer a virgin. It didn't actually hurt all that bad. More like a slight soreness for a moment.

I was being loud. I knew it. I tried to cover it up by kissing him. It just felt to damn good to not let it out. Reese held my wrists above my head. Somthing about that just made everything more.... Exiting, I guess. He was getting a gleam of sweat over him. He shined in the dim light in the room. I looked straight into his eyes with out shame. His beautiful Steel colored eyes.

I began to get a tightness between my legs. I was shaking and my breath came in short spasms. Reese was going to come soon too.

One last trust and we we shaking and taking short breaths. I started to giggle.

"What?" he asked smiled at me

"That was amazing! why did I not want to do that before?" I was grinning. He stood up and tossed the peice of latex into the garbage can. Then he came back over to the bed and held me.

"I'm not sure. But I can feel how happy you are now." Oh yeah. The guardian bond thing. I curled up facing Reese. He wrapped his arms arms around me. I felt so safe. Going back to camp would be so hard. Especially since we had just done a quest. I almost didn't want to leave. I fell asleep in the arms of my Guardian.

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