twenty eight

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Tears won't stop pouring out of my eyes my entire run back to campus. My head is spinning and I feel like I could pass out at any moment. I can finally see the large building in the distance, causing me to slow down a bit to catch my breath. I run a hand through my messy hair as I continue to cry.

I just cry, and cry, and cry. I don't even know what to think. A part of me knows damn well Marissa would do anything to get Grayson back. I just can't get over the fact that he didn't try hard enough to stop her. Letting her in his room? He should have known better with a person like her.

My feet finally push through campus, making my way to my dorm building. I keep my head down as my soft sobs turn to loud ones.

"Taylor?" A voice calls out to me.

My stomach turns when I look and see Ethan. He's all sweaty and wearing baggy gym shorts and a sweatshirt. His face is all bruised from Grayson's fist. I stop walking and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he slowly walks closer to me. "Why are you crying?"

I shake my head as I look back down at the ground. "It doesn't matter, you don't actually care."

"Yes, I do." He lets out a deep sigh as he gently places his hand on my arm. His touch makes me look up at him. "What happened?" He softly asks me again.

"Something you would be amused by." I mumble as I sob.

"Don't say that. I know I hurt you and I was a dick, but I still care about you." He lifts my chin up, causing me to peer into his brown eyes. He places his hand on my cheek and begins to wipe away my tears.

"I doubt that." I can't help but whisper.

"I know you would never believe me, but I did take you off the list after our first date." He lets out a longing sigh.

"It still hurts that you had me on it in the first place." I can feel more tears forming in my eyes.

He continues to run this thumb along my cheek. His touch is comforting despite him being an asshole to me. He lets out another sigh as he stares down at me. "Is this about Grayson? Did he do something?"

"I really don't want to talk about it." I sob as I forcefully shake my head back and forth.

He nods slowly as he pulls his hand away from my cheek. "Are you sure? I can walk you back to your dorm so you aren't alone."

I look up at him for a moment before quickly shaking my head. "I just want to be by myself."

"Okay, I understand." He nods as he continues to look at me. "Well, I'll be at the gym if you need me." He mumbles as he begins to back up.

I watch him walk away as I take in another sharp breath. I stopped crying for a few minutes, but I still feel like crap. I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through my contacts as I walk over to my building.

Becca's name catches my eye as I take in a deep breath. I never told her about Ethan's list or the fact that I started a relationship with Grayson. I hesitantly press her name and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Her cheery voice says.

"Becca, everything is falling apart." I begin to lose myself again as more tears pour down my face like a waterfall.

"Woah, what happened?" I can hear the concern in her voice.

"I don't know what to do." I manage to say through my heavy gasps.

"Taylor, you need to tell me what happened. Is it Ethan?" She starts to ask.

"Yes and no." I mumble. "So much happened this past month that I didn't tell you about."

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