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My dad looks at me. Just looks and he finally says "I knew it. Thats why I lied to you about my meeting. Then I saw Gus pull in." He says. "Wow, Hazel. Way to treat your parents." He spits out those last 5 words. "I'm gonna go." Gus says

"Actually, no, you're not." Dad says

"Okay then." Gus says and to me he says "He's gone nuts!" "Hey, Dad, guess what?" I ask, partly wanting him to know, partly because I can't hold it in anymore.

"I'm not a virgin anymore." I look at him with a smirk and see his reaction: speechless...then anger "YOU SON OF A B*TCH!!!" He goes to swing at Gus but I jump in front of him and he hits me square in the jaw and I stumble and fall to the ground, my vision blurring. I hear my Dad say "Oh my god, Hazel, Oh my god I just punched my daughter!!" Then Gus yells at him to get out and rushes to my side. "Hazel?" and I try to talk but I feel so numb in my mind. "Grus" I murmur and he picks me up bridal style and takes my out the front door because I feel the sunshine. I realize I'm wearing a crop shirt and one of my shortest pair of gym shorts. He sets me in the car and buckles me in. Then he gets in and lays my head on his lap. Because his driving is so rough I don't fall asleep, I just close my eyes and wait. Then we stop and Gus makes me sit up. He comes and picks me up and my head is more clear now so I say "I can walk." I say "You sure?" Gus asks. "Yes."

He sets me down and I immediately fall over. "I don't think you can."he chuckles softly and he picks me up. When he walks in his door his mom and dad ask what's wrong and he tells them to leave him alone and we walk downstairs. He lays me down and starts to walk away. I grab his wrist. "Stay with me." I whisper. "Always." he says as he climbs into bed.

(A/N- I had to put that in.)

We fall asleep, then I wake up and look up at him. I kiss his nose. He looks so cute sleeping. "Hey. How are you feeling?" He asks. "Safe." I whisper. and I turn to kiss him, adjusting my nubbins. I kiss him and he moans and I see color rising to his cheeks and the kisses get heated and he takes off his shirt. "Your parents are here, Gus!" "No they left. They had a movie at 5:00pm and it's 6:00pm." "Yay." and I trace my finger on his abs and his 'v' line and I unzip his pants and pull them off.

"Oohh, sexy." he says and he pulls of my crop top, and my bra and kisses the tops of my cleavage and I run my hands through his hair and he carefully flips me over, making sure my nubbins don't get twisted. He kisses my stomach and pulls off my shorts. Then looks at me and I silently tell him yes. He pulls of my underwear and he pulls off his and grabs the protection. What happens next is very passionate and slow. We lay there, still naked in his bed, and we interlock again.

"Don't ever leave me...." I whisper.

"Never." he kisses me and I moan because of, well, you know. And he laughs and kisses me again. I kiss him back.

*the next day*

I tell Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster about everything and they understand. I want to visit my Mom so when I know my Dad is at work I go home and get more appropriate clothing and enough to stay there for a week.

*7 days later*

Dad's tried to call, but I blocked his number for now. Mrs. Lancaster told him I didn't feel comfortable being around him right now, so I'm going to stay for the week. She also promised him she would watch me and keep me safe.

I lay awake thinking about the past events. I check Twitter, but quickly get bored so I take Selfies for what seems like forever till I looked over and saw Gus watching me. "You were awake?" I ask sheepishly. "That," he pauses to bop my nose, "was ADORABLE." I smile and kiss him "Good morning, handsome."

"Good morning, beautiful." I get up and say "I'm going to change in the bathroom." He looks at me and chuckles.

"What?" I ask "I've seen you naked." he states and I look at him and say "You're right and I strip my leggings off and I can feel his eyes on me and I can't seem to get off my shirt. I hear him get up and he gently tugs it off my head and goes to change as well. I look as he reaches for a button down, my favorite on him, I watch his back muscles extract. Oh, god, you are so sexy and you don't even know. I think it sheepishly and when I'm done putting my jean shorts on I walk up to his closet kiss his cheek, and steal a sweatshirt that I put over my sports bra.

"That's cute." he says. "What is?" I ask

"You wearing my sweatshirt." I smile and smell it. "I want it. And now it's not yours." "But that's my favorite one!" he protests but I shake my head and giggle. "It's minnnnnnneeeeee nooooowwwww." He laughs and asks all serious, "Can I brush your hair?" I smile and nod, and he goes and gets a brush and sits down in a chair. I sit down on the floor in front of him and watch him brush my hair in the mirror leaning against the wall. He concentrates he does this, and I just have to rest my head on his knee and whisper, "I love you." and he cups my face with both of his hands and leans down and kisses me. "I will always love you, Hazel Grace."


We go upstairs and we decided to make

M 'n' M pancakes. When we are done I go to take a bite but he grabs my wrist and takes the bite off my fork. I look at him "You did NOT just steal my pancake bite."

I glare at him, then end up laughing and he laughs too, sending chewed up pancake bits flying making us laugh some more. After we finish and he cleans up his chewed mess, we do this dishes and go to see my Mom.

*At the hospital*

We check in and go to her room. Luckily Dad isn't there, or I would have to wait till he left or leave and come back.

I sit on her right side and stroke her hair.

"Mom, please, I know your in there, in some dreamland, I just, I need you so much. I want to talk to you and celebrate Russian holidays with you. Please wake up.

I realize Gus had his hand in my hair, not stroking it, but just nestled in it. "Lets get some hot chocolate." Augustus looks at me. He walks out, holding the door and I look back at my sleeping mother and just when I walk through the door I hear a hoarse "Hazel?" I whip my head around.

"Mom! You're awake! Oh my god!" I go and hug her and I hit the call button for the nurse. I give my Mom a glass of water and she drinks it gratefully. The nurse walks in and Mom asks "Nurse, can you please tell me why I'm in the hospital and my daughter said to me that I'm 'awake'?" The nurse calls the doctor.

Doctor Marilyn walks in and smiles.

"Hi Mrs. Lancaster. Now listen to me carefully. You've been in a car accident. The car hit you from the left, so your left arm is broken in 2 places. You also had a concussion. Since you are awake, we will have to run some tests. Then we will determine how long you have to stay."

I just stood there. Gaping. "I'm going to leave you two alone. Nurse?" And they both walk out and Gus kisses me on the cheek and says he'll wait outside.

"Hazel come here." We hug and start crying. "Where's your father?" she asks curiously. "Oh. About that." I say quietly

"Well, you dropped me off at Gus's house and then....." I trail off, not knowing how to tell my Mom the news. "And then?"

"We had sex. Twice." I had decided to just be blunt about it. "Awe. Your first time!"

I look at her in shock. "You don't care?"

She laughs, "It was bound to happen some time." I smile. "I'm just glad you took this better than Dad. He tried to hit Augustus and I jumped in front of him and he hit me. I've been staying at Gus's for awhile." I look down, not wanting to meet her eyes. "Oh Hazel. I'll talk to your Dad. Let me call him." I hand her my cell and give her a kiss goodbye. I walk out the door and find Gus sitting there and he has tears in his eyes. "What is it, Gus?"

"I just love you so much." and he stands up and kisses me. "Could you hear?" "Yes, baby, I heard." He smiles and kisses me again. "Okay, bye honey." I hear my Mom say, so I pull apart reluctantly and walk in. "He's on his way. And he wants to talk to you." And my face drops, all the happiness I felt gone. "Gus you should go." I say and we quickly kiss and he leaves. We wait about 20 minutes and then I see my Dad staring right at me, sickly pale with blood shot eyes.

"Hi, Hazel." he says.



ILYGASM!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤

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