Hagustus Forever

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Warm breezes, salty air, lapping of the waves, my phone ringing... Wait what?

I pull my self out of my thoughts and realize Augustus is calling me.

I answer,

"Hazel Grace"

"Hello, Augustus Waters."

"I'm picking you up and taking you to Funky Bones in 20 minutes."


The line went dead.

I sighed. Augustus is so tiring at times but it's what makes me want to be with him. I know I'll never be bored like I am quite often at home.

I go to my bathroom and shower. I pull my hair which is almost to my shoulders into a pony tail, then remember Gus likes it down, so I yank out the hair tie and put a blue headband in. He loved the blue floral dress I wore in Amsterdam, so I put that on with my brown sandals.

I go to my mother who is watching TV and tell her Gus is taking me out.


"Funky Bones."

"He's such a sweet boy."

"Mom, please"

She laughs, "What?"

We chit chat while I wait for Gus to pick me up.

I hear Gus pull up.

"Bye Mom, I'm leaving."

She laughs again while saying "Bye sweetie, have fun!"

I pull my oxygen tank behind me and when I open the door Augustus is smiling at me, no, more like beaming at me. Oh no, I think. What does he got planned. I look at his choice of clothing and immediately know I dressed up way too much. I walk up to him and kiss him lightly on the cheek.

"You look beautiful, Hazel Grace."

I blush. "Thank you, Augustus, but I feel way to dressed up. You're wearing just shorts and a tee!

"I didn't have any clean fancy clothes."

I smile even though I know he's just trying to reassure me.

"Shall we go, Hazel Grace?"

"Why yes, Augustus."

Gus pulls onto a road I didn't even know was there. We pull to the side of the road and stop. Gus gets out and comes to my aide to help me with my oxygen tank.

"My lady, I hope you will enjoy this surprise I have planned."

"Knowing you, Gus, and all the other surprises you've planned, I am sure to enjoy this one as well."

"Good, because it is right through these cluster of trees."

I walk through the cluster of trees as Augustus holds my tank behind me as I walk. When I get through it I gasp.

"It's, it's so beautiful Augustus!!!"

He had set up soft piano music and lights atop of a beautiful rustic picnic.

"It's just for us, okay? Gus asks.

"Okay." I smile.

Our picnic contains kabobs of fruit in chocolate, various meats on kabobs and fried potatoes on kabobs.

It was all kabobbed.

"Kabobs?" I ask

"Why not?"

"Just wondering..." I trail off as I grab a meat kabob and pull off the first pieced of meat.

As the night goes on we have general chit chat and when the meal is over we put everything in the basket and lie next to each other on our backs.

Haugustus Forever |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now