Chapter Twenty: You Get To Decide Who You Are

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The two men escorted us to Amunet in the center of the sale, with the poor, bruised meta chained into the back of a fan.

"Skyrocket. You're back." I nodded before making a forcefield around the three of us.

"What are you doing?" Felicity asked.


"Hey Amunet." We all looked over to see Caitlin in Killer Frost's clothes walking into the building. "This is between you and me. Let my friends go, and I'll come back and work for you."

"Oh. It's-it's too late for that, Caity. Do you know why no one has ever testified against me over the years, hmm? Well it's because they're not alive to. Sorry. Take care of them." They aimed their guns at us and I flew up in the air, taking the girls with me in the force field.

"Whoa, I didn't know you could do that?!" Felicity said.

"Yup, but you've got to keep still!"  I looked down to see Caitlin, trying to think of how I could get to her, but then all of a sudden a huge burst of ice came shooting out of her mouth, sheilding her from view. Out of the cloud came Killer Frost. I came down, landing behind Killer Frost and dropping the force field.

"And I thought I wasn't going to be able to kill anyone today." She shot a few spikes of metal towards Killer Frost, but we both reacted. I created a Force field around us, and she coated it with ice, making a protective ice dome taht was twice as fortified. They started shooting and I struggled to hold the field up.

"I don't think this is gonna hold much longer." Frost said.

"Yeah, and I don't know how long I can hold off this many guns at once." I groaned, already feeling light-headed.

"Well, this is a steel factory, and you move steel plates with-"

"Magnets." Felicity finished for her. "Really, really big magnets."

"Ceceile turn the crane on!" Iris told her.

"What? How?"

"It should be in the schematics, just highllight it and turn it on." I fell to my knees, closing my eyes and trying to conserve my energy. I was one hundred percent going to pass out. 

"I'm sorry." I groaned, letting go. Killer Frost smashed the dome, sending the shooting henchmen backwards, and I tried to keep myself concious.

"You and I could've been Gods." Amunet spat.

"I used to work with a God. Over it." She held her metal glove up.

"Ceceile now!" Iris shouted. Amunet shot and all of her metal was attracted to the giant magnet on the roof. Killer Frost made an icicle in her hand.

"Not so scary without your bling, are you sister?" She went to stab her.

"Stop!" I shouted. Iris ran up behind her and I struggled to my feet.

"Caitlin, stop."

"I'm not Caitlin, and I'll never be free until she dies."

"No, it will be jsut the opposite. You're free at the moment, but if you do this, you will always be a killer." I said weakly. "Killer Frost, Caitlin..."

"You don't have to be one or the other," Iris finished for me. "You get to decide who you are." She put the icicle down.

"Get out of here."

"You've ruined this for me today." Amunet said. "And one day soon I promise you I will ruin something for you." She left and I got up, grabbing a pair of bolt cutters and cutting the Weeper down.

What Brings Us Together (A Ralph Dibny/ The Flash Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now