Chapter 2: My new life

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Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

"They will end off being married to other women. I don't want you to be known as one of the Princes's

many wives." I say. "Aish! I should be worrying about you not the other way around!" She says. "This is

why I believe I may be more of genius than you." I say. She just crossed her arms. Then someone

knocks on my door. I get up and head to my door. I open it. "I heard Hae Eun was in here." Someone

said. "Lady Hae please ask one of the servants to prepare my bath." He tells her. She bows and say,

"Yes you're royal highness." He turns around and sees me. "Who are you?" He asks. "I am Lady Yeon

the new Jury of the Palace, and the old Lady of the Goguryeo Palace." I say as I bow. "I am the 4th

Prince, Prince Young Jae." He says. He bows.

Prince Young Jae's P.O.V:

I turn around and see an unfamiliar woman. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Lady Yeon the new Jury of

the Palace, and the old Lady of the Goguryeo Palace." She says as she bows. "I am the 4th Prince,

Prince Young Jae." I tell her and I bow. I look at her features. From her Crystal eyes to her soft looking

face, she looks perfect. I just keep staring at her. "Your highness are you alright?" She asks. "Oh yes,

what is your name?" I ask. "Lee Seo Yeon." She tells me. "Oh you're Hae Eun's sister?" I ask. She nods.

"Would you like to see your mother?" I ask. "I believe it will be alright with me doing so." She says. "So

is that a yes or no?" I say. "It's a yes." She says. She smiles. I grab her hand and before leaving I tell

Lady Hae, "Lady Hae make sure that when I'm done the bath is ready and also, my 2nd brother is

coming back to live in the palace. Be sure to prepare his room." "Yes your highness." She says as she

bows. I take Lady Yeon to her mother's room. We get there and she sees her mother on the bed. She

slowly gets teary. She goes closer to her mother. "Eomma." She says. Lady Eun sees Lady Yeon. "Seo

Yeon." Lady Eun says. "Eomma I've missed you." Lady Yeon says. "I've missed you too my youngest

child, promise me, even though you are the youngest child, promise to protect Hae Eun." Lady Eun

says. Lady Yeon nods. Lady Eun places her hand on Lady Yeon's cheek. "I love you and I'm sorry I left

you alone." She says. "I love you too mom." Lady Yeon says. They both smile to each other. "I have

already asks the King for two promises, he promises to complete the promise. Both Promises are

something that won't be revealed until later on." Lady Eun says. "Why can't you tell me now?" Lady

Yeon asks. "Because it would interfere with everything so for now, let it be." Lady Eun continued.

"Prince Youngjae." Lady Eun suddenly says. I come to her. "Yes." I say. "Remember, your brothers and

yourself are like my sons, please take care of my two girls." She says. "I promise." I say. "Come here."

She says. She pats for me to be near her ear because she wants me to know something.

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