Chapter 3: Meeting him again

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Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

He looks at me with wide eyes. I just keep smiling. "So you are the new Jury of the palace?" He asks.

"Yes you're highness." I say. "Have you met my other brothers?" He asks. "Only Prince Young Jae, The

Crowned Prince and You, your highness." I say. "Then come with me, I will introduce you to my other

two brothers." He says. "Don't you have three other brothers?" I say. "Yes but The second Prince isn't

here in the palace." He responds. I look down and begin to follow him. After a while we enter a library.

"Everyone meet The sister of Hae Eun and the daughter of Lady Eun, her name is Lee Seo Yeon." He

says. "Nice to meet you your highnesses. I am Lady Yeon the new Jury of the Palace." I say as I bow. "I

am The Third Prince, Prince Hyung Sik." He says. I bow. "I am The Youngest and most handsomest

Prince, Prince Hyun Min." He says. I bow again. "How is it that she's not fangirling over us?" Prince

Hyun Min asks. "Because, I cannot fall for one of the princes, after all I do just work in the Palace." I say.

Prince Hyung Sik stands up. So does Hyun Min. They are looking at someone behind me. I turn around

and see someone. "Hyung!" Hyun Min, Young Jae and Joo Hyung scream. They run toward the person.

I couldn't see his face. He was wearing a mask. "How long has it been?" He says. "A year." Prince Joo

Hyung says. "Oh hyung meet the new lady who will replace Lady Eun." Young Jae drags his hyung. I

see him appear with Young Jae in front of here. "Hello your highness my name is Lady Yeon. The new

Jury of the Palace." I say as I bow. He comes toward me. "I am Prince Min Hyuk, and The new partner

of the Jury, who I see turns out to be you." He says. "It would be a pleasure to work with you your

highness." I say as I slowly lower my head. "Your Highnesses do I have permission to leave." I say. They

all nod and I leave. I head to the garden I saw Earlier. "This is beautiful. The Flowers. The Sky. And -" I

was interrupted by someone saying, "Your Eyes." My eyes widen and I turn around quickly. "I never

thought I would see you again." He says. "I can't, I can't be here." I say. I try to run away, my foot got

stuck with my dress and I almost fall over, but then he holds me. "Tell me why did you leave me?" He

asks. "I told you... I couldn't be with you." I say. He holds onto me a bit tighter. "Is it because you found

out I was a Prince?" He asked. "I told you, I can't break the Royal Laws, no matter where I am. I

stopped loving you okay." I say as I push him a bit. "Say that to me again. But look into my eyes." He

says. He holds my wrist. I look up at him and say, "I don't love you anymore." "You're the reason why

everyone fears me." He says. "You changed, not me. You became the reason people fear you. I may

have only triggered you." I say. I pull away from him and go inside the Palace. I go straight to the king.

"Your highness, are you sure you would want me as part of the Jury." I say. "Of course, especially now

that my second son has returned, you two may work together. That's an order." He says. "I respect

your orders your highness." I say as I bow. I leave the room and head straight to mine. I throw the

pillows. "Why! Why didn't he tell me he was one of the Princes of Silla!!" I say. I sit down on my bed

and just think. I hear someone opening the door. "Seo Yeon are you okay?" He asks. I look up. "Oh

Hello Prince Young Jae what may I help you with?" I ask. "Stop calling me Prince! When we are in front

of people call me Prince but if we are alone just call me Young Jae okay! That's an order!" He says. "Yes

your- I mean Young Jae." I say. "What's up with you? You can tell me anything." He says. "The guy I

used to love, came back to me, but I can't be with him." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Because, it will ruin

him." I say. He hugs me as I begin to cry on his shoulder. "You know what I have something that will

cheer you up. Wait a second okay." He says. I nod. He quickly runs out of the room. I just sit there. I

look out the window, my window is close to the garden. I see Min Hyuk, looking at me. I close the

curtains and just sit there.

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