Chapter 7: Confession? (Or havent moved on)

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Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

"He made you feel happy?" He says. I nod. "How is that important?" He asks. "Before, I was never, ever

happy, unless I was with Min Hyuk, but after we broke up. I fell back into my darkness. Until I met your

brother. He made me feel happy for the first time in 3 years." I say. "Do you think Hae Eun will ever like

me?" He asks. "Try to make her fall for you, if it doesn't work, then maybe she wasn't meant for you." I

say. He nods. "You are like my noona." He says. "You will be like my small little brother." I say, we hug

again and after that he leaves. I somehow got tired and fell asleep. I wake up to someone knocking. I

get up and open the door. "How can I help you?" I ask. "Lady Yeon, King Dae Jung has asked for you."

The servant says. I nod and follow her. "Yes your majesty." I say as I bow.

King Dae Jung's P.O.V:

"Yes your majesty." She says as she bows. "Lady Yeon, do you perhaps love one of the Princes?" I ask.

Her eyes widen. "Of course not your majesty, I cannot fall in love with the Princes, that is against The

Royal law." She says as she looks down. "I won't punish you for loving one of my sons. You just have to

tell me who you like." I say. "Your highness if I am being honest, I am confused between two." She says

still looking down. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I am in love with both Prince Min Hyuk and Prince

Young Jae." She says not daring to look up. "You do not know who to choose?" I ask. She shakes her

head. "A wise saying is, Follow your heart, that's where you know the truth lies." I say. "Will I be

punished for breaking one of the Royal Laws?" She asks. "No, now you may leave Lady Yeon." I say.

She bows and leaves. "Two in love with Min Hyuk and One in love with Young Jae. How should I put

this down?" I say. "Your Royal Highness, may I help you." My royal advisor said. "Was the cut near your

bottom lip really bad." I say. "Yes your highness, this is the scar it left behind." He says. "You may help

me with this." I say. "I suggest you let Prince Min Hyuk get married to Lady Hae." He says. "Why is

that?" I ask. "Because, Prince Young Jae has shown he knows what the word love is, he is deeply in love

with Lady Yeon and I have seen it." He says. "You have?" I ask. "Yes your majesty, Lady Yeon is the first

girl he has ever fallen in love with." He says. "Are you sure." I say. He nods. "Then it's settled." I say. He

smiles and bows.

Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

I was heading to the garden when someone holds my wrist. I turn to see Min Hyuk. "Your Majesty let

me go." I say. "Stop calling me that and tell me the reason why you left me!" He says. "Your Majesty let

me go." I say again. "You're not telling me why you left me?" He asks. "I told you, I don't love you now

let me go!" I say as I try to pull away from his grip. Someone the pushes me behind them. "Leave her

alone, will you Hyung!" Young Jae tells him. "Young Jae don't get involved!" Min Hyuk says. "If it's

something dealing with her, I will get involved." Young Jae says. "What? Do you love her now!" Min

hyuk screams. Young Jae slowly turns to look at me. "Yes, I do." He says. My eyes widen. "Ha! What

about you! Do you love him!!!" Min Hyuk yells. I just stare into Young Jae's eyes. "ANSWER ME SEO

YEON!!" He yells louder. Now it wasn't only us, it was Han Sung, Hyung Sik, Joo Hyung, Hyun Min, and

Hae Eun. I don't say anything. "SEO YEON!! SAY SOMETHING! DO YOU LIKE YOUNG JAE??" He

continues to yell. I look away from Young Jae's eyes and look at Min Hyuk. "I don't know." I say. Then

Min Hyuk comes up to me and says, "Do you love me?" I just look at him. I then feel a hand grab mine

and take me away.

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