Chapter 13: One secret revealed...

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Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

I closed and locked the bedroom door. I just laid on the bed. "Min Hyukkie!! Let

me in please!" She says. She is annoying me. "What are they doing right now?" I

quietly asked myself. I really don't see Seo Yeon falling for my younger brother.

But what if he does something that makes her fall for him? "Witchcraft?" I say. I

begin to sleep.


End of Dream:

I wake up screaming, "Hae Soo!" I touch my forehead and feel that I am sweating.

"Who is Hae Soo?" I say still trying to catch my breath. "Why was I crying for her?"

I say as I feel that my cheeks are wet.

Princess Jae Eun's P.O.V:

I was heading out when I heard someone say, "Eomma!" I turned around and saw

my daughter. "Hae Soo what are you doing here?" I asked. "I wanted to see if it was

okay to go visit Lady Yeon, I miss her so much, I want to see her again." She pleads.

"I will check with the Queen okay." I say. She nods. I decide that instead of going out,

I will talk to the queen. I enter her room. "Your Majesty I have come here to speak to

you alone." I say. She nods and her servants leave. "We need to tell them the truth." I

say. She gives me that worried look. "You know we can't, we don't know how they will

react." She tells me. "We need to tell Seo Yeon, we can't keep the truth away from her."

I said. "It's a miracle that Hae Soo and Seo Yeon survived." The queen say. "I believe so

too your highness, but they have to know that they are connected in a beautiful way,

I don't want to keep lying to Hae Soo, she's like a daughter to me, even if she isn't

mine." I say. "Then we shall head to the Palace of Silla, tonight." The Queen says. I nod

and inform the guards.

Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

(3 days later)

 Young Jae and I return to the Palace. So does Min Hyuk and Hae Eun. Hae Eun comes

to me and grabs my arm and takes me to my room. "What do you need Unnie?" I ask.

"Do you know anyone named Hae Soo?" She asked. "Yes." I say. "How old is she?" She

asked me. "She's only 16 years old, she is the daughter of our cousin, Princess Jae Eun."

I say. She looks at me confused. "Then who is the Hae Soo he was dreaming about?" She

asked herself. "He was dreaming of Hae Soo? How is that possible, he doesn't even know

who she is." I said. "Exactly, so who was he dreaming of?" She asked. "Solve it yourself

Unnie, he's your husband, not mine. I have my own kid to deal with." I say. She looks at

me with wide eyes. "I'm not pregnant." I tell her. She calms down. I leave the room,

Unnie follows behind. "Princesses, The Queen is looking for both of you, she needs

you to be in the Royal Hall now." The servant says. We both nod and head to the hall.

Once we enter, I am close to tears. "Unnie!!!" I hear her say. "Hae Soo-ah!!!" I say. We

both run to each other and hug. "I missed you so much unnie!" She says. "I missed you

too, I am sorry I couldn't say good bye." I said. "It's okay unnie. Is this your sister." She

asked. I nodded. "Hae Eun meet Princess Hae Soo of Goguryeo. I see both her majesties

are her, Hae Eun meet our cousin Princess Jae Eun and The queen of Goguryeo, Queen

So Lee." I say. She bows and so do they. Young Jae then comes to me and Min Hyuk just

stands with Hae Eun. "Queen So Lee and Princesses, meet my husband, Prince Young Jae."

I say. They bow to each other. "May I ask what brings you here?" I asked. "The truth."

Queen So Lee responds. I got confused. "We need to tell you the truth." Princess Jae

Eun says. "Should we leave?" Young Jae asks. "No, it is okay for the Princes to hear."

Queen So Lee said. "We need to tell you something that involves both You, Princess

Seo Yeon, and Princess Hae Soo." Princess Jae Eun says. Hae Soo and I just look at the

Princess. "Hae Soo, your real eomma, is Princess Seo Yeon." Queen So Lee says. My

eyes widen, and so does everyone else. "How is that possible? Hae Soo is 16 and Seo

Yeon is 21, that means Seo Yeon would have given birth when she was 5 years old."

Hae Eun says. "She did, Seo Yeon gave birth when she was 5 years old, it was a miracle

that both of them survived. Seo Yeon had a very hard time after that, which is why

when Hae Soo was born, we made it seem like she was my daughter. This ended up

erasing from Seo Yeon's memory. So she won't remember having a child. Seo Yeon

was raped when she was little which caused her to have Hae Soo. We wanted to

protect both of them, but we couldn't keep lying to them." Princess Jae Eun says.

Young Jae was holding my hand, I gripped on his hand tighter. I was close to crying.

"Seo Yeon unnie, is my eomma?" She said in a confused voice. Queen So Lee nods.

Hae Soo looks at me with tears in her eyes. She runs to me and hugs me. "Eomma..."

She says. I just smile and hug her back. Then I feel another pair of arms wrapping

around us. "I am not your real appa, but I will be your appa. We will be a real family

now." I hear Young Jae say. "Seo- I mean, Eomma, can I live with you?" Hae Soo asks.

"If their majesties allow, then yes." I say. "Hae Soo, you are allowed to stay if you wish."

Queen Mi Young says. "I would really like to stay here." She says. "Then you should." I

tell her.

Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

I am trying to act as calm as possible. But I can't believe it, that's her. That's the girl

from my dreams, that's Hae Soo. But she turns out to be the daughter of the girl of

my dreams, Seo Yeon. Aish my head is hurting. I walked out from the Royal Hall and

went to my room.

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