Chapter 16: The Memorial and Wedding

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Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

(A day later)

Everything was settled for Prince Han Sung, Prince Hyung Sik, Prince Young Jae and Princess

Hae Eun. Hae Soo and I are the ones who were deeply affected. She got too attached to

Young Jae that she learned to love him as if he were her actual father. I learned to love him

more and more, I knew I was going to lose him at some point, I just didn't know when. I told

myself, don't fall for him, don't love him. But it was of no use, he did everything to make me

fall for him, and I eventually did. He even risked his life so that I can continue on living. We

are in the middle of the ceremony, and I can't stop crying knowing that Young Jae will

never come back. Hae Soo keeps hugging me. Eventually the ceremony did end. I headed

inside with Hae Soo. I wasn't feeling good at all.

Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

(Two days later)

"Your majesty you have to choose someone to marry, you will become king next week."

The royal advisor tells me. "I have an idea of who I want to ask, I just have to make sure

she agrees." I say. I get off the throne and head to her room. I knock on her door. "Come

in!" She says. I open the door and see her staring out her window. "What are you looking

at?" I ask. "The garden and now don't change the subject, what do you want to talk

about." She says. "I am here to ask you to become my wife, you don't have to love me,

just be with me. Seo Yeon turns around and looks at me. "Young Jae told me this would

happen, and he told me to accept, so I will." She says still holding on to her necklace.

"I'll marry you." She says looking at her necklace. "Then it's settled, we will get married

in a week." I say. She nods and turns back to gazing. I turn around and before I leave she

says, "I will marry you, as long as you don't mind me having a child who's father isn't you."

I turn to her and say, "I won't mind, but that child will grow to believe that I am the father."

I tell her. I turn around and leave.

The Villager's P.O.V:

(A week later)

Since the King died I left the Palace. Prince Min Hyuk will now be the king, and Princess Seo

Yeon will become the Queen. However, because Hae Soo returned to her mother. A new scroll

appeared. Seo Yeon won't last long. The original reality is slowly coming back, which means

Prince Min Hyuk is slowly, very slowly losing his feelings for Seo Yeon.

Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

(After the wedding ceremony)

"I granted your wish Young Jae. I wish I could see you, just one last time." I say in my head

as I stare at the garden. Whenever I look at the garden, I could see the last time I was with

him, where we were happy. "I just want you to know that I am expecting a child, your child,

you might not be able to see him or her, but I will go against the king's orders and tell our

child about you. I promise." I said in my head.

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