Chapter 12: Our Honeymoon

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The Next Day:

Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

Young Jae and I were sent to the cabins in Goguryeo. Nature, A waterfall and Flowers

were surrounding the cabin. I went outside and sat down on the grass. "Beautiful." I

heard Young Jae say behind me. "I know right, this place is beautiful." I say. "I was talking

about you." He says. I blush. "Shall we go inside?" He asks. I nod. I stand up and he holds

my hand as we go inside. "I really feel happy, It's been a while since I have said I was

happy." I said in my head.

Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

Hae Eun and I were sent to the cabins in Silla. "Min Hyukkie! What shall we do today as

our first day as a married couple?" Hae Eun asks as she clings onto my arm. "I am going

to bed, you go do whatever you want." I say as I try to get out of her grip. "This is our

honeymoon, why don't you want to spend it together?" She asks. "Because, I told you,

I don't love you, this was only an arranged marriage." I told her. She just puts a blank

expression. "What's so great about my sister huh?" She asks. "If she knows that the guy

she likes doesn't like her, she doesn't go to him and do whatever it takes to get him to

like her, especially if she knows that the guy has someone else in his heart." I told her

as I left to the room.

Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

I was having some tea with Young Jae. "Seo Yeon, can I ask you a question?" He says. I

nod. "Do you really love me?" He asks. "I know I like you, if we take our time, I know I can

learn to love you more." I say. He smiles. We continue having tea when the picture of the

scroll crosses my mind. "The scroll, do you think I'm going to become Queen, with you as

the King?" I ask. He looks at me. "There are two ways to become king if you are one of

the youngest, either the older brothers die and the crowned spot is left empty for the

next prince in line or, They are the first to produce an heir." He says. I choked on my tea

when I heard the other way. "Are you okay Seo Yeon?" He asks as he gets up from his

seat. I nod. "You sure." He says concerned. I nod. "What would you like to do today?"

He asks. "Anything, I'm fine with anything." I reply. He grabs my hand and begins to

take me somewhere. We end up near a lake. My eyes widen as I realize, I know this lake.

This is where I left him... This is where I left Min Hyuk. "Let's sit here and enjoy the sky."

Young Jae says. I sit right next to him. "What do you want to happen in our lives as a

married couple?" He asks. "I don't know... I just want us to be happy." I say. "I also

would want that. Promise me something." He says. I look at him. "Anything." I say.

"Please love me, don't end up being with another man behind my back." He says and

looks at me when he finishes saying that. "I promise, I won't ever do anything like that

to you." I say. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back. "You are my first love... I love you."

He says. "I love you too." I say in almost a whisper voice, so that he won't hear a thing.

Young Jae's P.O.V:

"You are my first love... I love you." I said to her. I still keep hugging her until I heard,

"I love you too." She said it very quietly. She must not have wanted me to hear it, I still

heard it. It made me very happy. But I also know I need to stop her from loving Min

Hyuk Hyung. I heard the conversation she had with the king.

Flash back:

I was heading to Seo Yeon's room when I saw her heading to the Royal Hall. She entered

and closed the door. I put my ear to the door."Yes your majesty." She says. "Lady Yeon,

do you perhaps love one of the Princes?" The king asks. "Of course not your majesty, I

cannot fall in love with the Princes, that is against The Royal law." She says. "I won't punish

you for loving one of my sons. You just have to tell me who you like." He says. "Your

highness if I am being honest, I am confused between two." She says. "What do you mean?"

He asks. "I am in love with both Prince Min Hyuk and Prince Young Jae." She says. "You do

not know who to choose?" He asks. "A wise saying is, Follow your heart, that's where you

know the truth lies." He says. "Will I be punished for breaking one of the Royal Laws?" She

asks. "No, now you may leave Lady Yeon." He tells her. The door begins to open and I quickly

run and hide. I was both happy and jealous. "She likes me, but she is also in love with Min

Hyuk Hyung." I say very quietly. I begin to head back to my room.

End of Flashback:

She backs away from the hug. "Can we go inside, I suddenly feel tired." She says. I nod.

I took her by the hand and began to walk with her back to the cabin.

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