Chapter 18: The New Royal Family

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Villager's P.O.V:

I looked at the scroll again

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I looked at the scroll again. "This is what they meant. Seo Yeon was going to die, Min Hyuk

would fall for Hae Soo, they would get married in the end. Now, Prince Young Jae and

Princess Jiwoo believe that Hae Soo is their mother. However, I need to bring their

memories back. I need to enter the palace once again.

Two days later

I enter the palace. I secretly make my way pass all of the guards and head into the Prince

Young Jae's Room. I am holding the two last necklaces that were given to both Late 4th

Prince, Prince Young Jae and Late Queen, Queen Seo Yeon. I place the fourth necklace

under the pillow of his bed. I head out and find the Princess's room. I enter the room

and take out the first necklace, I place it under her pillow. I then realize the necklaces

will begin to glow. "That's why there were only four. Young Jae, Seo Yeon, The son of

Young Jae, and Seo Yeon's daughter. I also placed the scroll that contained the picture

of both King Min Hyuk and Late Queen Seo Yeon. I quickly rush out of the castle and

head back to my own cabin in the woods.

Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

Once we were done eating, the kids went to their room. "How long?" Hae Soo asks.

"How long till what?" I ask. "How long do we have to keep this away from them?" She

says. "Till they are old enough, Young Jae is the only heir to the throne, if he finds out

his father was to become what he was supposed to, it would kill him." I say. She nods

and looks down. I get up and hug her. "Don't ever bring that up." I say. She nods.

Prince Young Jae's P.O.V:

I enter my room and laid down on my bed. I put my hand under my pillow and then

felt something. I took it out and saw a moon necklace. It was glowing green. "Eomma,

Appa" I say softly. Then someone comes in through the door. I see Ji woo entering the

room. "Did you get it?" She asks. I show her the necklace, she shows me hers. It was

glowing purple. "I also got this." She says. She shows me a scroll. I take it from her

hands and see a picture, of appa and someone else. "Lee Seo Yeon. Future Queen

of Silla." I read. "Eomma" She says. I look at her.


"You're father is Prince Young Jae, he was brave and saved your eomma." She says.

I just look at her since I can't talk. "You will be brave like your appa, will you

become a warrior too?" She asks with a smile. "You are so handsome, you look

just like your appa. I really miss him." She says.

End of flashback:

She looks at me. "Did you...?" She said. I nodded. "I saw her." I said. "I did too." She

tells me. I grab Ji woo's hand with one hand, and my other hand is holding the scroll.

We head off to the throne room. I see Eomma and Appa reading scrolls. "You're not

my real Eomma and Appa!" I yell. "What are you talking about?" Appa says. I show

them the scroll. "I know you aren't my real Appa and Eomma." I say. "My real Eomma

is Late Queen Seo Yeon and My real Appa is Late Prince Young Jae!" I yell. "You aren't

my eomma! My real Eomma is Late Queen Seo Yeon!" Ji woo yells as well.

Min Hyuk's P.O.V:

"My real Eomma is Late Queen Seo Yeon and My real Appa is Late Prince Young Jae!"

Young Jae yells. "You aren't my eomma! My real eomma is Late Queen Seo Yeon!"

Jiwoo yells as well. I then look at what's around their necks. My eyes widen as I realize

it was the moon stones. There were four known to exist. Seo Yeon and Young Jae had

one each. Now, Ji woo and Young Jae have one of their own. I stand up. "You are right,

Hae Soo isn't your eomma. But she is your older sister." I tell them. They look at me in

disgust. They don't say anything and they both leave.

Ji woo's P.O.V:

"What are we going to do now?" I ask. "Run." Young Jae says. "To where? We don't

have any other family." I say. "To eomma and appa, I know where they are." He says.

I look at him. He looks at me, grabs my hand and we ran.

Villager's P.O.V:

I came back to my cabin to then realize something, I checked one more scroll and

saw one thing I didn't know had happened. "Seo Yeon and Young Jae died together,

then everything in this time line was messed up. I changed everything, then the time

line decided to change a few more things.

"Instead of Min hyuk, Young Jae was the one she met first. Young Jae was the one to be

with her first. It was going to be Young Jae in the end. Which meant, he didn't die first,

she did, he died after he got shot. But before they were killed, Ji woo and Young Jae

were born, so that means, Ji woo was never Min Hyuk's daughter." I said to myself.

Author's Note:

Annyeonhaseyo! So this chapter will be the last one in the past. The following chapters

will be in the current times! In the last chapter, we will tell you what happened with

Jiwoo and Young Jae!

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