Chapter 4: Death

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Seo Yeon's P.O.V:

I was waiting for Young Jae when my door suddenly opened. Hae Eun comes into the room, grabs my

wrist and drags me somewhere. When we finally arrive, we enter the room. All of the royal highnesses

were there, except Min Hyuk. I saw Young Jae there too, I see why he was taking a while. They make

way for Hae Eun and I. We go to my eomma. "Eomma don't leave not yet." I say as I crouch to be by

her side. "Eomma, you just met Seo Yeon, don't leave both of us." Hae Eun says. "Your Royal Highness,

King Dae Jung, please grant your promise in 3 months. I want the best for my daughters, if you want

to change the partners please do. But let them have a bright future." Eomma says. "Of course Lady

Eun, you have been the most trust worthy and loveable friend anyone could have." King Dae Jung

says. Eomma smiles weakly. "I love you my princesses." She says. Her eyes slowly begin to close.

"Eomma!!" Both Hae Eun and I scream. Our tears overflowing as we are hugging our Eomma's lifeless

body. I feel someone back hugging me. I can see that Prince Hyung sik is hugging Hae Eun. While I

have no idea who's hugging me. Someone enters the room.

Prince Min-hyuk's P.O.V:

I opened Lady Eun's door to her room. I then see Hyung Sik hugging Lady Hae and Young Jae back

hugging Seo Yeon. I want to get him off her but I know this would be an inappropriate time. Seo Yeon

is crying. I hate seeing her like that. "It's okay, she knows she leaving her two daughter behind loving

each other." Young Jae said. "She never got to be with you, but she loved you dearly, Lady Yeon. Hae

Eun, you know you're mother loved you a lot." King Dae Jung said. "I want some time alone." Seo Yeon

said. She got up and before she got to the door, looked at me and left. "I'm going to go after her."

Young Jae says. He leaves through the doors following Seo Yeon. I decided to follow to them too. I see

Young Jae running about to turn into a corner. He knocks on a door. "Seo Yeon... can I come in?" He

asks. "I need to be alone..." Seo Yeon says. He turned around and I hid. Then her door opens. "but I

need comfort." She says with her eyes swollen. He turns around, looks at her, hugs her and they both

go in her room. She closes the door. I go near the door and try to hear something. "I know she loves

you and your sister a lot." He says. "I know she does, but I can't bear losing her, I just met her today. I

don't even know anything about her." She says. "But she knows, try to grant her wish, become a

warrior." He says. "I would do it but I am afraid of getting punished." She says. "I'll protect you, I

promise plus, we can learn together!" He says. She laughs. "I guess that face you made, made me

laugh." She says. "I'm glad I can make you happy, even if we just met today." He says. "Same." She

replies. I decide to back away and leave. I went to the nearby lake. I sat down and looked at the water.

Memory (3 years ago):

I was walking with Seo Yeon to a lake. She had been acting weird lately, but I don't blame her, I have

been too. I haven't told her my real name or title. We sat down on the grass. "Seo Yeon." I say. "Hyung

Min." She says as the same time. "You go first." We both say. "Okay." I say. "Seo Yeon, Hyung Min is

not my name." I say. She looks at me with a confused face. "My name is Min Hyuk." I tell her. "You

have been lying to me about yourself, why?" She asks. "Because, I didn't know if you were going to

stay with me because of my title." I explain. "Can I speak now." She says. I nod. "I can't love you

anymore." She says. I look at her. "Why?" I ask. "Because, I don't love you anymore, I love someone

else." She says. "I loved you, and I will love you as a friend, continue your life as if you never met me."

She says as she gets up. I grab her wrist and I get up as well. "You can't leave me, is it because you

know of my title." I ask. "No, it's just I don't love you." She says as she pulls away and leaves.

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