Author's Note (PLEASE READ)

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I originally didn't have an author's note at the start of this story but as it got more popular I felt like I needed to add it in to explain some things.

Although, this story says it was finished in April 2019, it was actually finished in early 2018. I have a major love/hate relationship with this story. So sometimes I unpublished it. Urgh.

Small trigger warning:
This story is intended for mature audiences.
Although this story isn't what I'd call really disturbing, I believe that it can be triggering in parts as one of the main characters is possessive at times and a little forceful. There is sexual harassment. It also contains smut, explicit language and scenes of homophobia. If this does make you uncomfortable, I suggest you leave for your own best interest.

Also please refrain from any hate. I'll just delete it. I know this story isn't perfect. I would however, love critical feedback.

I first started writing this when I was fifteen, it's cliche story and there's going to be a lot of mistakes.  A LOT! I really don't have the heart to edit this story that much.  Although I love it, every time I go to open it up and edit it, I notice so many mistakes. It makes me cringe and want to delete the whole thing. So I'll just leave it as is.

There's not just grammar and spelling mistakes, there's also a lot of confusion with past, present tenses. Because I wrote this when I was young there is quite a few things that don't make sense and may sound really ignorant. I'm sorry, the whole book is up the shit.

Anyways, thanks for giving this story a try. I really hope you enjoy it!


Copyright © 2018 by Avalonbwriting

All rights reserved.

No part of this book or any portion thereof can be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or advertisement.

This book is a work of fiction. All characters and situations are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people, places and events are coincidental.

(Yes, I put that there to make me look smart and official. But please take it seriously!)

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