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"I dare you to ask your biggest crush to be your prom date." Your brat best friend said which made your jaw drop.

"I can't do that!" You exclaimed, obviously regretting your choice.

"Come on, (y/n)! There are two days left before the most-awaited prom of your life and still, you don't have a date." Sumi said.

"And so?" You said.

"As if we'll allow you to attend a prom alone, girl. You need a prince charming to be with you during that special night. We're actually helping you here." She said.

"But why Taehyung? Jimin can be my prom date, right?" You said and looked at Jimin.

"Sorry, (y/n). I'm going out with my brother on that day." Jimin answered.

"See? You know what, (y/n).. this is your last prom since you're about to graduate in a few months. Why don't you want to take this as an opportunity for you to get to know Taehyung more?" Sumi said which made you think.

"I don't think I can do that, Sumi. Can you please change the dare?" You pleaded.

"Just this once, (y/n). You haven't even tried asking him yet." She said.

"But I'm sure he's going to ignore me. He's very popular in school, you guys know that. I'm sure there would be hundreds of girls that will ask him to be their prom date, it's impossible for him to accept me." You said.

"You're such a pessimist, girl. Who would ignore a beautiful and charismatic girl like you? For sure Taehyung will be your prom date. I'm betting on that." She said.

"But—" Once again, Jimin interrupted you.

"No buts, (y/n). Just do the dare and you'll be happy. I'm betting on it, too." Jimin said.

These guys seem serious. They left you without a choice. Take the risk then.

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