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You and Sumi are currently in a boutique, searching for a prom dress for you to wear since there's only one day left before your prom.

You still can't forget Taehyung's reply yesterday night. He really did agreed to be your prom date. Since it was already late, you chose to not send a reply. Well, you also don't know what to say.

Jimin and Sumi already knew what happened since you told them a while ago and they were so happy for you. That's why Sumi volunteered to help you search for a dress.

After a few hours of looking for the best dress, you were able to find one that looks really stunning. You tried it and was amazed to see yourself in front of a life-sized mirror.

You were elegant-looking.

"(Y/N)-ah! You are so beautiful! I'm sure Taehyung's going to fall in love with you!" Sumi exclaimed which made you blush.

Fall in love? You bet not.

"Stop it, Sumi." You said and shook your head to remove the thought in your mind.

"Believe me, (y/n)." Sumi said and winked at you.

You just shrugged it off since you don't want to make yourself bothered with that impossible thing. After trying the dress out, you paid for it on the counter and Sumi dragged you in a pamper salon for you to have a little makeover.

"Sumi, is this even necessary?" You asked Sumi who happily talked to a female crew.

"Of course, (y/n)! You're a girl afterall." She said.

"Don't worry, she's going to take good care of you. Just this once, be feminine, okay?" She added and the female crew guided you in a cubicle for her to start your little makeover.

You've undergone some facial treatment, manicure and pedicure, eyebrow threading, waxing and other stuff you found unnecessary since you freaking walked out of it in pain.

Those things the female crew did to you were painful. Gosh, it hurts to be a girl sometimes.

"I'm sure Taehyung will really fall for you, (y/n)." Sumi said out of the blue and here go again.

You found yourself blushing hard.

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