Hospital Room

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Malcolm's POV

-Outside of a hospital room in Starling General-

-One way glass{He can't see in}-

The Docter examines his clipboard in disbelief as he lists out the text "Alright, just going to give you a run-down of what has happened, 20% of her body is scar tissue" The man grips the side of the uncomfortable chair " She has a fractured jaw, 11 broken bones, 3 of those being compound." He struggles not to end him where he stands. "2nd and 3rd degree burns on the upper and lower back, along with some neck up to the jaw and wrist to finger." One more word out of that sorry excuse for a doctors mouth and I really will kill him. "3 broken ribs and to top it all off-" THAT'S IT. I bolted out of that God-Forsaken chair, shoved the doctor and proceeded to briskly yet firmly stomp to the door. Just as I got to the door I felt a cold hand grab my shoulder. I halted in utter shock that he had the nerve to even go near me. I acknowledged his pitty effort to stop me by turning my neck just enough to glimpse at the unjust bravery of the foolish man. "Mr.Merlyn! I just want to warn you that the Kahndaq they found, may not be the one you lost." I gave him a stern glare with a hint of intent to murder in my eyes just to let him know how short his life will be after the next few words. "Out of my way or I will see to it personally your career will be ENDED" I snarled. He withdrew his futile grasp and slowly backed away.

Narrator's POVl

Malcolm slowly took his final steps to the door. He reached out to the knob then hesitated as if he was scared of what awaited him beyond this door. His fatherly motive led him to grasp the knob with newfound confidence. He stepped inside the room and was shocked at what was set before him.

Malcolm's POV

"Moira? Oliver?". Moira shifted her head to face the cold businessman she coldly remarks the next few words as if they had no meaning as they once did. "Malcolm, how are you?" "Peachy" he replied with snark. Oliver turned to meet him face to face. "Hello Mr.Merlyn," Oliver uttered with the same cold unfeeling tone as Moira. "Well, you look..... different," he remarked with pure brutality.

"If you think he looks different then you haven't seen me....." A raspy voice chuckles. He knew that voice. He whipped his head around to the bed where he saw his child sitting up. She turned her head to meet his and revealed her mangled eye and face.

"I-I--"He stuttered in the utter shock of seeing her face. Hearing her voice. Looking at her eyes-er-eye."Miss me?" She replies with the same sarcastic humor he once had before all of this.

"You don't know-" His sentence was cut off by the sudden grasp of his daughter, his cold heart shattered and his eyes turned glossy with tears of the grief he had held back and repressed all five years she was presumed dead.

"W-w-we thought y-you-"

"I'm not."

"Let's go home."

Authors Note: Please let me know if I should continue because I really feel like this could go somewhere. :D Thank you SOOOO much for whoever is reading this.


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