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-Diggle has left for the day after returning Kahndaq to her house now she has just arrived -

AN: This chapter will have a designated song for it, only play when you see ** and end when you see those same symbols. There are going to be two songs so they will be marked differently 1st song=** 2nd song= ##. Ok? Ok. Loop if necessary

Narrator's POV

Kahndaq arrived at the mansion and began to search for her father who was nowhere around. "I'm home!!" she pauses waiting for a response "Dad?" Suddenly she hears her father running to her. He seemed out of breath when he spoke "Kahndaq! Thank GOD!" he tightly and protectively grips on to his daughter as if he was never going to let go. Kahndaq pulls away and grabs her father's shoulders so he can steady his breathing she desperately asked him "Dad, calm down, what's going on?" Kahndaq looks into her father's panicked eyes trying to decipher the enigmatic code of the complex human emotions. Malcolm gathered his breath and all that was left was an expression of pure fear, "Tommy and Oliver have been kidnapped. Tommy's tracker is disabled I can't access it." Kahndaq immediately went stone-faced and her eyes spoke as if she had only one mission. "I'll find him." she began to storm out before Malcolm stopped her pursuit and flipped her around to face him directly. "Oh HELL no you won'tYou're staying right here in this house till your brother and friend are found!" his yell reeks of desperation and fear for her getting hurt as well. Kahndaq's expression melted for a moment "Fine." she pauses for a second letting Malcolm let go of her. She took this opportunity to bolt out of the door. Malcolm swivels around in anger and yells out "DAMN IT KAHNDAQ!"

Kahndaq's POV

**She dove into the limo that took her here initially and grabbed a second trunk that contains a metal Exo suit{AN: think of Supergirl's James Olsen but Genderbent, that suit} and a bow and arrow along with a gun and her gauntlets. She puts this all on and sprints to her motorcycle. Smoke comes from the exhaust pipes as she peels out of the immaculate driveway. She drives straight to the gate, catapults off her motorcycle. Mid-Air she presses a button that compacts her motorized child causing it to slip through the gate links then re-emerge on the other side so she could surf it down her street. She mounts it again properly and proceeds to open up a secret dashboard. The screen and really the entire motorcycle **{Momentarily} is covered in a combination of handprints and kiss marks of various shapes and size. Her face scrunches up in disgust. "Goddamn it Tommy this is absolutely disgusting" **{Continue}. She presses her thumbprint into a key lock allowing her to have access to the trackers she put herself in. She peers into the tracker map and finds a green dot about 10 miles away. Her face lit up with excitement and determination. "Found Ya bro, and I promise this, whoever took you will pay.... in blood.

She arrives at the location and dismounts her bike ** {End}. She uses her hearing to find out what was going on. A brash and loud voice questions a man whom she'd figure out was Oliver "Did your father make it to the island MR.QUEEN?!" The kidnapper had inflection in the last few words. She hears a taser being jabbed at Ollie, she winces at the sound of Oliver yelling out in pain. "What did he say to you MR.QUEEN?!" the kidnapper had the same inflection in his words as the last. She finally intervened before he got tased again.##{Start track 2} "He said I was going to kill you and your goons." Her helmet made sure her voice was concealed and replaced with a much more deepened voice. The four goons surrounded her leaving only the leader talking to her. He turned his head to Oliver in fabricated shock "Well, MR.QUEEN, you seem to have a guardian angel with you!!" He moves towards her in a threatening manner, " Where did YOU come from, did you make it to the island as well?" She remains silent in defiance and so she could have time to think of a plan. The man clearly was impatient when he spoke to her "Answer me, bitch!" She becomes fed up with his voice and proceeds to grab his neck and shove her gun in his throat. A loud bang resonates across the room almost like a bell sounding alarm or time. For them, it was the start of an assault. She snaps the necks of the rest and chases down the last one. The man cowers in a corner begging for his life from the ruthless killer laid before him "P-p-please you d-don't have t-to do thi-s. I hh-have a family!" The man cries out in desperation hoping to sway her mind that was already set. She looks at him and releases her hold, but as the man ran out she shot three bullets into his legs. The man wails in pain as he falls to the ground. She storms over to him and picks up his neck so he is looking directly at her mask. "No one can know my secret." She adjusts her grip and reaches at the top of his spine and tears it away from his body. She drops the mangled body and remembers her initial mission and returns to Oliver and Tommy. Entering the room she was shocked to see that Oliver had untangled himself from the zip ties and was attempting to revive Tommy. Oliver, after seeing her pulled Tommy's unconscious body behind him and met her helmet ##. He stuttered in his words but finally spat it out "Who are you?" His voice shook in slight fear of what he might do to him.

"I am the Guardian"

AN: ItS dOnE bEeN pErFeCtEd

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