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-Pick up right where we left off last time, in the Merlyn Mansion-

Kahndaq's POV

The tall well-dressed man extended his left arm for a handshake. She obliged and responded with a handshake. "Well, I have to ask, do you go by John or Diggle?" She inquired. "I go, either way, Ma'am." He politely yet sternly responded. He held his body in a stiff manner, obviously military.  But it doesn't matter, I wasn't looking at his body at all erm-- "Alright Digglet,  I'm going to S.T.A.R. Labs, you coming?"She lightly chuckled on the inside about her funny name for him. Digglet looked confused as if the questions answer was obvious. "Well that's what your father is paying for--" She swiftly cut him off and swiveled her head to her father who was pondering her humor as if the mood had just changed from fighting to frivolous joking, "Father, please transfer his pay to MY Nordic account." he quickly refocused his attention from the mood to the conversation and responded with even more confusion "Why?". "Simple," she replied, "I want to have leverage." Malcolm soon questioned her sanity and feared the fact that he was rubbing off on her. "Ok then." He responded, his voice hinted with uncertainty. John was speechless, keeping his mouth shut in fear of whatever he might say to upset her. Kahndaq broke the awkward moments of fleeting silence, "Well, what are you waiting for, chop chop!" she cheerfully voiced. 

-They enter an extravagant car garage with multiple layers, almost like the one you would see at an airport. Each space filled with exotic to luxury. It was like a dream almost.-

Diggle was awestruck as he had never seen so many cars in one area with amassing value."Damn," he whispered under his breath,"you must have some really rich staff.." She quickly rebuked that theory and placed the correct one into his mind "No, they are all ours." She stated this like someone would say 'Yeah, I own a dog'. As if being this wealthy was just normal. Diggle's expression told everything. he was in pure shock and disbelief as the information crossed his mind. "All of them?" He asked redundantly. She quickly corrected him by saying "Well they're not all mine so to speak, each lot has a colour that corresponds to their respective owner. Mine, for instance, is the Silver Lot, the Gold Lot is Tommy's, Bronze Lot is Malcolm's and the Sapphire Lot-" She couldn't make out the words because of the emotion and grief that came with them. She collected herself and carried on, "The Sapphire Lot was Rebecca's" Her disposition almost remains neutral as if she didn't have much emotion for the loss. The only way you would be able to tell if you listened to her voice. "Apologies Ma'am." Was the only response he could deem fit for the situation. "Sorry dosnt fix anything but its nice to know you care." She coldy remarked. Diggle remained on task and inquired "I'm assuming we are using a car from your lot?""You assume correct Digglet." She plainly states as if the answer was yet again obvious to a normal humans brain. 

They continue to walk up a flight of stairs through the quiet lot until they finally reach the silver lot. They briskly carry on to a car she had mentioned earlier, but they were stopped by an invisible barrier. Diggle, being the bodyguard that he immediately discharged his gun and shot a single bullet at the invisible barrier. He expects it to hit the unknown force and break it but instead, it ricochets off the force and hits Kahndaq in the left shoulder. Presumably, you'd think she'd fall to the ground and cry like she was giving birth but no. Instead, she merely dug out the bullet and threw it aside. Multiple ideas raced through Diggle's mind but he instead yelled out "We need to get you to a hospital now!" he yelled in sheer panic. She continued to rotate her shoulder as the wound slowly closed up. "I'm okay Digglet." she inhaled sharply. "Let's get a move on eh?" She disables the shield allowing them to move forward. "Hh-how" he uttered with the most confusion in his voice. "Lucky I guess?" she tried to sound as genuine as possible. 

"You are officially the craziest client I have ever had" 

AN: So so soooo sorry for the late chapter, I just got completly busy and really lazy. Thank you again for bearing with me and my slow writing. Please comment, I really want to hear your opinions and thoughts. Cheers!


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