Sitting Duck

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-They have made their way to a parking garage where Adam Hunt is walking down with his bodyguards-

Adam Hunt's POV

These investors GOD! I want to slit every one of their throats! He marches through the garage. Accompanying him by his side are three armed guards and an investor. The lights are flickering because of the weak electricity almost foretelling the next events. "You remind Grell, I put him on the bench I can take him off." he snarls "I will turn him into a cautionary tale!" he snaps back to his investor who just nods along to his bloodthirsty superior "Yes Mr. Hunt." the investor responds."And this attorney, Laurel Lance?! You said she wasn't going to be a problem anymore." his sharp voice rising in distaste and rage "I thought I told you to fix that situation!". The investor looked as if he was about to speak and justify the attorney's meaninglessness but Adam Hunts abrupt stop intervened his speech. The wrathful businessman turned to him and got close to his face making the pitiful investor's confidence crumble. "Why are you still here?" he spats in his face and walks off, his entourage following close behind. The investor shuffled off to his car wondering if his employment still stood validly. 

A sudden sound comes from within the barren parking garage. Following ensue of the noise a flourish of sparks appears behind them. Hunt and his guards whip their heads around to face the noise. A gunshot and arrow fire into the guard's chest. The man groans and falls to his final rest. The remaining guard takes hold of his client and barks "GET IN THE CAR!" the man opens the car door to soon shut it and his boss inside. Soon after the guard examins the scene but has trouble since its near pitch black all around. He reaches for his holster and quickly releases his weapon and fires three shots in the dark.

The now fearful businessman cowers in his car, his eyes gaping, trying to realize what's happening. He hears an ear-piercing yell and the flesh of guards chest being penetrated by a precise arrow shot. With this Adam Hunt instinctively cowers and covers his nack further promoting him to go into fetal position in the leather-clad limo. An arrow whizzes by and shatters the glass of the passenger side piercing the ars interior. Hunt moves closer to the arrow and sees the silver fletching engraved with an'M'. But before he could really examine the features of the arrow, something pulls him out of the car through the shards of the remaining window piercing his suit with glass. What looks to be a robot clad in silver plating and black interlacing hinges, and an archer clad in an Emerald green cloth. Both of their faces were concealed. Hunt sputtered "WOAH WOAH!" The archer draws back his bow and the robot crashes his wrists together causing a pulse of light to go through the veins of the suits cloth. The light goes through his wrists and blinds Hunt in his eyes. "ARGHH, MY EYES!" his face inflamed with shock and panic. As he regains his vision, he proposes an offer "J-J-Just tell me what you want!". The archer, who had been perched on the roof of the limo jumped down and grabbed the man by the collar of his suit and spoke in an almost raspy, deep voice "You're going to transfer Forty Million dollars into Starling City Bank account 1141 by Ten PM tomorrow night." The man had regained his confidence and decided to test the archer's demand "Or what?" The Archer hastily replied as if he expected Hunt's retort. "Or else I will take it and you won't like how." A short pause came over the two, they had a small scuffle as the archer released his hold on the businessman. The archer walked off along with the metal man, not long after the businessman proposed a threat to the pair of attackers "IF I SEE YOU TWO AGAIN, YOU'RE DEAD!" he barked. The metal man whipped around and fired a clean shot to his right shoulder, narrowly missing any organs. "NEXT TIME, I HIT THE HEART!" the metal man called out with a more metallic and muffled voice.  The buisness man crippled to the ground clutched his right shoulder. The lights flickered back on revealing the bodies of the guards, they were thrown over to a concrete pillar, the pillar was barely holding from the sheer force of the throw. 

-Oliver and Kahndaq have returned to their base-

Narrators POV

"RICHIE!" she called out, trying to get his attention. "HURRY UP, YOU TAKE LONGER GETTING IN A TUX THAN A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL PUTTING ON MAKEUP!" she smirked at her mockery of high school girls, even though she never went to high school, she got the gist from all the girls Tommy brought home. Oliver stepped into the room, he adorned a light blue collared teal sweater and khaki dress pants. "I am not putting on a Tux to a family dinner. Speaking of which, how are we going to get there? Because I think Diggle nor Sam is really inclined to pick us up. "Good point, but I already had a backup plan." She began to waltz over to the main factory entrance. She stops at a parked motorcycle. She pats the back of the motorcycle with pride. After all, this is her pride and joy. "By the way, this is how I saved you when you were kidnapped." she scoffed at her success and awaited a response of gratitude from him. "Yeah, sorry that I didn't say thank you, I was busy getting of tranqs to take the time." his voice was littered with sarcasm as they shared a laugh. "So, who's going to drive?" he promptly inquired. "Me! It's my damn machine!" she snapped as if the answer should have been clearer than day. "Ok! Jesus! By the way, your brother will be at the dinner, he was actually the one who told me to invite you in the first place." he replied. "Father?" she questioned with hope in her voice that his attendance would be present. "What do you think genius?" he scoffed wryly. "Yeah, definitely not attending!" she chuckled. 

She mounted the motorcycle and put on her helmet before giving one to Oliver, insisting that he wear one so as he dosn't die just after returning from death itself. He mounts the back of the motorcycle and locks his hands around her waist. She turned on the motorcycle and a big cloud of smoke trails along their path as they exit the warehouse.

He holds tighter still

AN: Thank you soooo much for reading! Next chapter may come later because this week I'll be busy ya know DYING because of finals! Please comment your opinion on the introduction of the *possibly* new ship! And as usual...


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