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Kahndaq's POV

-She's now out of the hospital, including the hospital clothes. Instead, she's wearing a navy S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt and some comfy sweatpants-

-She's in the Limo with Malcolm heading Home -

Malcolm slowly fidgets his thumbs as if he was wondering what to say to his daughter who had been gone for a hellish 5 years. She gazes out into the blurred mix of trees and forestry that scattered her mansions' lengthy winding road. Her mind was in a dull pain state of fear. The limo had taken a slow right. The blur slowed down frame....by frame....by frame... The driver stepped out to put in the key code into the fortified gate that was armed with 30 men and women armed with the highest grade of military weaponry.

"We're here." Malcolm softly utters. Her mouth curves upward into the "Famous Merlyn Smirk"."Tommy will be so hyped." She whispers to herself.

The Driver opens her door and attempts to assist her in getting out but she firmly states she doesn't need any help. "I'll get that Miss-" He is cut off by a stern voice. "I got it." She takes the large trunk from his arms and proceeds to the door. The gateway to The Infamous Merlyn Mansion was a grand and extravagant entryway, that was the only way her Father could have anything. A Butler greets her at the door.

-He beams with pride and joy-

"Welcome home Miss Merlyn! What a great joy to have you back into the House of Merlyn. That reminds me, Mr.Ramone has come here to see you.

An ecstatic voice comes yelling from Quadrant 2. She soon realizes it's her Best Friend in the ENTIRE WORLD. "AHHHHHHH, OH MY GOD YOU ARE ACTUALLY ALIVE!!!!" He proceeds to tackle her in a hug to rule them all."Ooof! Chill man, I do have 3 broken ribs ya' know." He loosens his Lion Hug

"I'm just so happy you're alive, everyone back at S.T.A.R. Labs is just DEPRESSING without you," "Speaking of S.T.A.R., I have got to leave to get another breakthrough. Ugh, sometimes it's exhausting being a Genius."She slaps the back of his head. "You are such an idiot Cissy, go get on with ya bad self, by that I mean to go on and get out this house so Wells doesn't get pissed at you."

They hug goodbye.

"Well, wasn't he exuberant," Malcolm scoffs at his funny remark"Why I haven't seen anyone that excited in this house...." His voice fades out. "Let me guess since I "died"?" She remarks sarcastically. "Yeah."He spoke a little awkwardly and started to ramble but then was cut off by the distant sound of footsteps above them.

Malcolm's lips curl into a perfected Merlyn Smirk "Did you hear that?"

A voice loud, yet with a tint of sadness, of loss."Hey Dad, why was Cisco-" His speech was cut off by an overwhelming wave of emotion. He was like a deer in headlights at the top of the spiraling wooden stairwell.

She simply smiles at him.

Tommy swiftly scales the winding whirl of stairs "N-n-n-o w-way".He stops at the edge of the stairwell as if questioning whether his sister was really there or it was just one of the stupid holograms that she left everywhere around the 4 Quadrants. He then let his instincts take over and nearly knocks her to the ground in the fiercest, most emotional hug you could imagine. His eyes begin to glisten with the release of emotions he had experienced in those few nanoseconds. "I-I t-h-hought you an-nd Ollie w-wer-"His emotional spill was stopped dead in its tracks as she cut him off to answer his predictable question.

"We're not, shhhhh"

She holds him. This loss really hit Home for him.



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