48 Hours

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-Tommy and Kahndaq have exited the mansion and are at the porch of the magnificent mansion-

Kahndaq's POV

"So." her brother stated. She lightly turned her head to face Tommy who, by the looks of it, was futilely attempting to maintain composure. Before another second could pass, they began to guffaw from the events that happened during the dinner. Once Tommy caught his breath, he began to speak once again. "Oh my GOD, that was hilarious!" Tommy continued to howl with laughter. "And when Walter was all like 'I didn't know you took Russian at College Oliver', and Oliver was just 'I didn't know you wanted to sleep with my mother Walter'. I was dead! Like man, I was about to burst into tears!". After a while, their laughter died down and they started making their way to a car. "Soooo, do you want to drive?" Tommy suggested. "Well, all I brought was my bab-" as she scanned the area for her 'Baby' she noticed Oliver about to mount her ride. She hastily intervened with a snappy "Hey!" she barked these words in utter offense at Oliver even thinking he could just ride off on HER Baby. Oliver spun his head around to face her, he stood there with an expression similar to a deer caught in the headlights.  "Oh,  umm I thought you were riding back with Tommy since I have to get... changed." his timbre shifted at the word 'changed' as if to imply something else. "Oh, yeah.....changed." she decided to back up his claims so as not to ruin his lie that Tommy was somehow oblivious to. Tommy glanced at the pair when something suddenly clicked in his mind. Kahndaq hoped he hadn't caught on to their escapades as vigilantes, that wish was soon fulfilled following the response from Tommy. "Wait, so you two rode a motorcycle...together?" his sentence was delivered, knowing full well the answer. "Yeah." she paused then thought what provoked this question and was soon met with an impure realization. "Get your mind out of the gutter!" with that she lightly smacked her brother and his dirty mind, leaving him to giggle like a little schoolgirl. "Guess I'm driving, you need a lift, Ollie?" Oliver nodded in response. Tommy reveled in the excitement at being able to tease them both, "Alright lovebirds, let's ride!". Quickly, Oliver and Kahndaq rose to their defense, both joining in unison "Don't call us that!" they retaliated in unison. "Oh! So it's an 'us' now huh?" Tommy continues to snicker at his humor. Kahndaq slugged him in the shoulder, "Shut up!".  Exasperated, she waltzed over to her Baby and pressed the panel a few times, following the commands previously inserted, the motorcycle fired up and sped out of the driveway. flashing lights

-Its been roughly 47 hours since the deal, Oliver and Kahndaq are at the party-

Oliver's POV

~Where is she...She said she needed to change, but she's taking forever~ Just as he was beginning to worry about her, she left the criminally small restroom. She was wearing a silver dress that hung loosely to her frame. He had to stifle a laugh from seeing her in a dress that was revealing. "You're the worst Oliver, this was the best you could find?" he could tell that she was furious at him, that only made him want to laugh more. "Does this even fit? It's so loose, I'm a centimeter away from a malfunction!" she turned her anger to confusion which was only more humorous for Oliver to witness. "That's how it's supposed to fit." he grinned at her, in response, she slugged him in the arm following a stream of colorful language.

They proceeded to the stairs leading to the floor of the party. Kahndaq winced at the loud music, her eyes flickered. A small glint faded from her eyes ~Must be the lights here, I hope its just the lights...~. Kahndaq sped ahead to the floor so as not to gain any more attention from the crowd. As Oliver scanned the massive crowd of people, he saw his best friend, Tommy Merlyn. Tommy was surrounded by scantily clad women, he handed his drink to one of the women without looking to see if his drink made it into her hands. He raced towards Oliver and signaled for the music to be cut off. "Everybody! Hey hey hey!" Tommy shouted over the crowd. He met him on the stairs, standing side by side with Oliver, who brandished a charming smile to keep appearances. "Man of the Hour!" Tommy shouted while beating Oliver's chest playfully as a hypeman would. The crowd cheered and raised their glasses in response to the appearance made by the 'Man of the Hour'. "Whoo! And ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming!" With that, Tommy leads him down to the sea of people. Two women linked arms by Oliver's side and ushered him to the stage in the middle of the hubbub of people. Oliver stepped up and peered out to the crowd. "Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie," Tommy called, in his hands were two shots, he gave one to Oliver to toast with. Oliver spotted Kahndaq amiss all the people, she was gathered with some of her scientist friends, what was it, Crisco? His attention snapped back to his toast. With that, he downed the shot of strong alcohol, "I missed Tequila!" he jovially exclaimed. The crowd roared in cheers and applause, he saw Kahndaq give a nod and a slight tilt of her glass. A toast to their survival. He hopped down from the stage and the music resumed louder than ever.

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