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-Tommy and Oliver are at The Queen Mansion discussing things over with Detective Quinton Lance-

Tommy's POV

The man, quizzical as ever, repeated the last statement for reassurance. ?"So, you're saying a dude in a metal suit came in and killed all of your captors? And why didn't he kill you two?" He chuckled at the last bit, Moira did not look pleased. I had to stifle a laugh from the expression of Quentin after he had read the room. I looked back at Ollie who seemed flat out shocked at the situation. Traumatized? No. Shocked? Yes. I nudged him back into reality. "Oh uh yeah, umm, It was most certainly a dude. Like muscles and everything." Ollie stuttered a bit at the beginning but found his way back. Quentin still had an annoyed look on his face as he turned to me I quickly tried to remember what happened and spoke the following with uncertainty, "Uhh, I think I saw a guy? I'm really not sure, all I saw was a bunch of shapes and red shapes coming out of those shapes." I cringed at my toddler like explanation of what happened but the thought crossed my mind, where's Kahndaq?  Detective Lance still pursued this interesting case and prodded us with more questions. "So, why out of all the spoiled rich kids in this town did he choose to save your asses?" he bluntly inquired. "Maybe you should go and ask him?" Oliver suggested in a stupid playboy manner. A memory suddenly popped into my mind of the attack.

                                                                                "I am the Guardian"

I decided to shed light on this "investigation" and put forth my evidence "Wait... I do remember something. A name!" I exclaimed in blurred excitement. Quentin does a quick jazz hand to the heavens and muttered something like 'Thank ya, Jesus!' "Now why didn't you lead with that!? What's his name?" Quentin eagerly questioned this time he actually looked like he was focused on the interrogation. "He called himself 'The Guardian'." He stared at me for a second probably thinking I was joking then remembered who I am and knew I wasn't.  He shot up from his chair and threw his hands up in defeat and mocked disbelief the entire way out. Moira came over to the couch we were sitting on and tightly embraced both of us. Moira was like a mom to me when my real mom had died. "Well, as long as you two boys are safe." she smiles at this. I get ready to respond in gratitude then someone dashes in.

Kahndaq's POV 

I sped through the long hallways trying to find which one my brother was in to ensure he was completely and totally safe. I finally found the room they were in. I bumped into an exasperated-looking detective that I recognized as Quentin Lance father to Sara and Laurel Lance one deceased the other grieving. This all seemed to speed by as I skidded on the floor. I was covered in cuts and bruises, my usually messy hair was even more messed up and frizzier than usual and not forgetting the blood on my leg and face that may or may not have been my own. Forall they knew it was mine and it would stay that way. I shouted at seeing my brother with even a scratch on him, I proceeded to shove Oliver aside since I was still angry at him for what he did on the island. I almost broke Tommy's ribs giving him a hug. He pulled away matching my expression with the same level of concern yet he had humor and relief in the mix where mine had none. "Oh my GOD are you okay?" I hugged him again then shifted to anger and slapped him across the face and yelled: "HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THIS YOU BASTARD!"  I then hugged him again not giving him time to nurse his cheek that was now red and had some spots where blood was. He chuckled in releasing me and spoke heartily with concern laced into his humorous comment "I should be asking you the same thing! What the hell happened to you?!" He laughs once more rubbing his sore cheek. I shrugged this off and reassured him while also giving him a lecture "Oh it's nothing..... BUT YOU???!!! Are you okay? Do you have any internal bleeding??" I turned to Moira and Walter who looked amused at my reunion and I proceeded to rapid fire every medical procedure I could "Did they do a CT or an MRI or does he have an Oculopathy did they do A BARIATRIC?!? Does he have Brain Damage!!??" I panicked as my mind played scenarios of him dying with all of these ailments and treatments. "Jesus Christ!" Tommy interjected my minds racing thoughts with a single yell "BREATH! I got none of those," I shot Moira and Walter a deadly look but Tommy grabbed my head and made me face him "because I'm FINE. All they did was a simple IV and blood sample to check if I was still roofied." he hugged me to try and reassure me that he was fine. I stepped back and began to pant realizing how much I had actually yelled without taking a single breath. After I caught my breath I dignified his snarkiness with a response "Just making sure..... DIGGLET!" Diggle immediately stood at attention, ready to head a command. "Yes Ma'am?" he replied just like a soldier would. "I'm assigning you to Oliver," I spoke bluntly as if he didn't matter. He seemed sad at the words I spoke and stuttered "B-but" I promptly interrupted his pitiful show of loyalty "But nothing, I control your pay and I'm transferring you to watch Oliver." I had no regard for his loyalty nor did I want it. "Yes Ma'am" he states more gloomily than solder like. Oliver interrupts all of this and quickly tries futilely to fight for his say "Hey! Don't I get a say in this!?" he pleaded as if everything was entitled to him. "No you don't, also Tommy don't think you have skipped having an extra security detail, I'll take care of that once we get home!" Moira and Walter exchanged humorous surprised looks at seeing her parent better than they could. Tommy sighs in defeat and gives in "Fine...."

AN: OMG I am so sorry about not posting Eek. Thank you to everyone as usual...Cheers! Also, I have now decided to list what songs I listened to while typing this monstrosity.  I listened to:

 Shaggy- It wasn't me

Friend Like me- Aladdin from Broadway

96,000- In the Heights

Waving Through a Window- Dear Evan Hansen


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