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-Opens up after she dropped the bomb about being the Guardian-

Oliver's POV

My core pulsed with ager and resent as I poorly managed my words. "Why didn't you tell me!?!? We were stranded on the SAME ISLAND KAHNDAQ! REMEMBER?!" I spoke this in a tone that was only heard when I'm at my worst. Guess what, I'm at my worst. Kahndaq stood wincing as if she was remembering all of what happened, I completely disregarded her feelings. I was too mad to care. "Yes..... too well I remember those days." her voice shuddered in fear. I took my voice and expression down a notch and probed on with the millions of questions I had for my best friends sister. "What are you even doing here?" I addressed in a dignified manner. Scoffing, she answered my question with another question "Setting up headquarters for "The Guardian". Why are YOU here..... Queenie?" She snickered at the last bit signaling the end of our petty ass argument. "Well, I am here to make good on the promise that I made my father. So I need to make my base so I can do my "debut" as a vigilante as well." I further inquired her about how she managed to get here as well. "And how did you even get here with Sam riding your tail wherever you go?" she scoffed at this inquisition. "I ditched him, what did you do?" she turned back to her computer and kept typing. "Same here, by the way, I now know why you transferred Diggle." she tilted her head as I seemingly caught her attention. "Well, why did I transfer him smart ass?" she chuckled thinking I would get the answer wrong. "He's too quiet, doesn't say a word other than the simple 'hello' or 'goodbye' or, now this one is my favorite,  'DAMN IT WHERE DID YOU GO?!" 

Kahndaq's POV

-DAMN IT WHERE DID YOU GO?!?!?" Oliver's laughter rang through the abandoned halls of the warehouse. The words that came before caught her by surprise but she tried to not show it. "What do you mean?" she spun around in her swivel chair to face Ollie. He chuckled at her question then realized she wasn't joking"Well, I mean c'mon the guy barely talks and he always looks kinda sad. T be honest I kinda just want to set him up with someone, like anyone." she winced at those words and retorted with "He was never quiet with me, he constantly talked about stuff, he was really funny and nice. The only reason I transferred him is that you needed him more than I did." She dozed off in her words while describing him but fell back down to reality. "Look you need to find a new base, we can't just work together, besides what would your name even be? Kapushion? Bratva?" she quickly veered the conversation elsewhere.  He sheepishly responded, trying not to cause her to get angry "Ummm, well I was thinking something like 'The Archer'? Or maybe even Batman? I feel like all rich vigilantes need to be named after an animal." he attempted to lighten up the conversation but utterly failed. "NO, that's ridiculous, I can't work with you, I have to do this alone. You'll only drag me down." she sharply spat as she briskly turned the chair back around to type. As she typed she pressed the keys down firmly and eventually broke the keyboard itself. "Let me prove to you I can hold my own." he stood up at his offer. "What are you saying? Should we fight? 'Cause you and I both know how it'll end." she turned her head to meet half of his eyes.  Oliver scoffed at this notion "Yeah, it'll end with you losing." he boldly pronounced. "Don't say I didn't warn you Richie." with those words she shot up from her chair. 

Narrator's POV (Fight scene, bear with me)

Kahndaq drew back her fist and landed a powerful blow on Oliver's face. He stumbled back a bit, Kahndaq took advantage of her opponent's confusion by going for the stomach. Again she landed a clean blow to the man's stomach. Instead of falling over like any normal person he sprang up and punched her fast and hard in the face and torso, then landed a sharp kick in the side. She grunted loudly then backed away, soon after she charged him at a ridiculous pace. As she got closer to him she grew louder and angrier. She vaulted over him and kicked off the wall. Her feet landed on his shoulders, Oliver began to twist and turn in attempt to get her off. He backed up against the wall with her still on him and slammed the concrete pillar with his back. The concrete pillar came in rough contact with her head as she released her grip on Oliver. She fell down but rolled back up. She growled with a beastly intent. Knowing what was next, Oliver tensed himself up to prepare for a hard hit. Kahndaq charged him at inexplicable speed and to Oliver's surprise, hand vaulted over to get to him and twist kick him in the face. She took advantage of his shock and executed a series of powerful fast blows to his face. Oliver gathered himself and did the exact same. They continued to spar until both of them gave up.

They drew back, panting and drenched in each others blood and sweat.  

"Still got my shit together."

"Can I stay?"

"Yeah, why not Richie!"


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